README on RPing in Classic

Yeah this is for sure true. My 2nd (TBC) Server was RP, and while I didnt bother with it, I know it went on for those who did.

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Come up with something more interesting than standing two abreast at some precipice, staring forlornly at the horizon, and you’ll be farther along than 99% of RPers.


I will be the half dragon, half vampire, half demon secret love child of Arthas and Sylvanas who was given up for adoption at birth and raised by simple farmers in Goldshire.


RP on Moon Guard used to be great a couple of years ago, there were some big, powerful RP guilds on the Alliance side that did plenty of events out in public and around the Cathedral square, and it was easy to find RP even if you didn’t belong. Sadly, those people have moved on… some got roasted in the MG forums by people who didn’t like them so they left and never came back, or they tried, and got bullied off again. It’s sad that stuff like that happens.
Anyway, I hope, with new servers and a fresh start, that some of that sense of community will come back again and open RP will be easy to find.


My RP backstory is . I heard that none of the large TOXIC streamers will be rolling here so … I was born … Now lets PVP …

Am I in ?


What alignment would you say a Scarlet Crusader is in the Classic/vanilla setting? Chaotic Good?

It’s cute that you honestly think most people rolling on Grob are there to RP.

Welcome to ED 2.0 now with less RP amd even more PvP

I find this very helpful and something I did back in the old times on Moonguard. It made a difference and more players doing this made for some funny interactions, especially when doing dungeons.

I sort of agree with the person that said D&D alignments are a bit two dimensional and lead to characters that are two dimensional. That said, being an old D&D grognard, I would say most Scarlets are Lawful Evil or Lawful Neutral. They seem FAR from chaotic. Very rules oriented.

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Likely it will be a good portion of both (non-RPers and RPers). I would hope the two groups could co-exist and not try and start high school drama.

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Ok, lets not get crazy now.

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The point is to pick an alignment as a guide, not a rule. It can help a new RPer figure out how they would generally approach a given situation. New RPers can tend to be a little bipolar or let their own personality seep into their character.

They would say Lawful Good. The undead would say otherwise.

Thanks for this. I do hope that everyone who roles on Grob will at least give RP a chance. There is also very low effort RPs you can do. For instance, Tauren are by nature quiet and stoic. A Tauren that never talks is actually pretty IC. You can easily make a few macros as well and that will at least let you be a part of the world for the people who want to RP seriously.

Yes, picking a name that makes sense for your race is super important. A good name is the first step to a good RP character. At the very least, everyone should have a name that fits in with the lore, there are plenty of generators online for this.


How do you plan to initiate role playing with others in the first few weeks of Classic?

And if you don’t RP, try not to get in the way of others who do. Watching from a distance is fine, but standing 10 feet away and breathing on their shoulder is a bit distracting. (yes, I have tried RPing itself, but it just wasn’t for me.)

RPers may be asking why those uninterested in RP roll on it, and a huge reason is gold. Even if an item sucks, if it looks good, people are going to want it. This creates a larger loot pool in a sense, whereas on other servers there are many items that nobody ever wants. I suspect there will be lots of runs of content for the sake of RP gear, keeping even “outdated” content alive and well where it may become a ghost town on PvP and PvE servers.

It’s also a much more easy-going community that has less in-game elitism of “how DARE you not play the copy/paste meta everyone else is!?”

Because of the lower amount of players in endgame involvement, the endgame community is also quite knit, with guilds of the same server being friends with each other rather than at one another’s throat. With only a few players at the high end, beggars can’t be choosers, so you have to appreciate what you have. You’re not just a replaceable cog in a machine, so to say.

Played on PvE servers and RP servers, and I always prefer the RP servers. There’s more to being a good player than throwing up big numbers.


I’m new (obviously), but old at the same time. I played 10 years ago and came back for Classic! I’m very excited to try a RP server. I’ve been listening to what the NPCs say as I do quests and writing their sayings down (Alliance, Night Elf) “May the stars guide you”; “Goddess watch over you”; “Thank the forest spirits you are here!” Lots of great phrases to pull from. It’s probably cheating, but for a newbie it’s helping a lot!


I playing on rolling on Grob. I agree with the D&D alignment using it as a guide. I play Paizo Pathfinder. (Not 2e) I plan on making a Tauren Shaman who wasn’t a Shaman by youth but she later gained it in her life. I am going to have her Neutral Good, as a guide. Showing to be inexperienced Shaman. I like to build her up roleplay wise. Still thinking on her reason to be against the Alliance.

If I don’t RP will I be kicked off the server?

I’m genuinely curious, why roll on an RP-PvP server if you only want PvP/PvE and will always avoid RP?

From what people have said, naming conventions and the fact the RP community attracts a much more close knit and somewhat more mature audience. Your milage will massively vary though