I decided to come back to WOW today but after logging in realized my old mains are gone. I had a NE warrior and druid mains that I played all the time but they are no where to be found. I checked a few servers with no luck. It’s been 10+ years since I played and a lot has changed since then.
The NE warrior was Stewi on Dragonblight. The NE druid was Stewfu and should have been on the same server. Looking at achievements I see another missing Stewlock
While it’s not a guarantee, if you know any further information about your warrior? Leave the name and/or realm you used to play on here. If one of our SFAs happen to pop in, that information can help to pinpoint where your characters are.
The most common issue is that there is a second account where old characters were on, and for some reason a new account had been made at some point over the years.
But some things you can try in the mean time:
- Go the realm you used to play on and try to create a new character there. Sometimes that’ll kick your old characters into repopulating themselves in the list.
- If you’re not sure of that realm, you can go in like you were going to use one of the self-service character options.
Go to: https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/wf/wow/463/1674/submitted
It should populate all characters and realms attached to the account you’re logged into.

Thanks for the info, updated post. I tried a few things I found in other posts. The weird part is the alts that I remember are all showing but for some reason the mains aren’t. The account should be the same since while I did stop playing wow, I did play other blizzard games so the account was just updated.
It looks like you transferred those first two characters to Madoran in 2007 and 2008. Stewlock was transferred in 2010 to the same realm. 
You’re amazing!! Oh man I was a bit stressed out there. I decided to come back just to play them and couldn’t find them. Found the server, logged in and boom, they’re back!