Re-rolling Horde

PVE sever is not my cup of tea. Nor is spending the last 4hrs being corpse camped by 5 Horde players in each zone I needed to travel to.

So the solution? I’m joining Horde.


Welcome to the dark side.

ironically the horde are not even the dark side LMFAO

blood and thunder

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That’s probably not the solution, though i can understand you being frustrated enough to go with it.

Guess all i can say is when you see a lone ally trying to retrieve corpse, remember you were once him.


You are making the right choice. Sorry it had to take phase 2 being released to do it. Horde is far better than alliance. Enjoy your new brotherhood.


Especially in meatballs… :spaghetti:


Nice! If you decide to check out Faerlina, <of Faerlina> is recruiting.

We are still leveling, and have open recruiting until most of us are in our 50s, and we start to solidify our core, but the plan is to start raiding around mid-December, and we hope to have a full roster by early-mid January.

Lol. Nice catch. Dumb phone auto correct.

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Just think if everyone did like you are doing. You could all just stand around and look at each other because there would be no one to fight.

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Where’s a /chicken emote when you need one…

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I thought you didn’t like PVE servers.


From a pvp reward perspective:

Upside: smoother leveling for now, easiet hk farming

Downside: fewer honor points to be had, and you are competing in a very crowded ladder for rank. Your alliance friends will have a higher percentage chance to place near the top.

Join the horde. The Alliance will be purged of disloyal horde sympathizers, it will make us stronger!