Frost top 2 Aoe damaging spells are passive damage. Expect it to be nuked down even further
cause outlaw is actually quite bad
let’s leave the numbers out of it for a sec, especially until we have some real logs to draw conclusions, but rogue as a whole is buggy man, bugs everywhere.
and the hero talents are jokes
really, frost, and DKs in general, are doing pretty good. it’s lovely to see them not only viable, but good.
god knows FDK players suffered enough
My damage is absolute BALLS in Frost DK arena PVP. I’m thinking on jumping ship to a class I can pump easier than this. I’m afraid I’m not very good at this whole runic system I guess? The damage meters would suggest I SUCK at it and likely need to bail. No one will want to play with me with damage that low, and rightfully so. I did very well on my evoker last expac. Maybe I should just play that again? I’m apparently terrible at Frost DK dps.
Ever play a FDK or a low tier spec when it had really low numbers? Push back is definitely required in situations like those.
Anyway 2-4% DPS nerf is not one of those situations to complain about.
Over 50% of FDK damage comes from Frost Strike and Obliterate. Those are about to be hit, for a 6% nerf and that is supposed to come out too 2-4% damage loss? Don’t be fooled. They are trolls just spitting out false information. This nerf is going to be a loss more than most know.
I understand most just repeat what the hear or see. But, this doesn’t take a genius to see that Frost DKs are going to feel this one.
We will be down.
I have one question for Blizzard though… What class is it ok to be the top with in raids? I guess we will have to wait for the logs to find out which classes are ok to top the parses with.
This, and all of this. Stop looking at numbers and play folks. Dang.
You’re an LFR player who is fearmongering or trolling.
Said by plenty of people who’ve been playing the game long enough to know how worthless it is to sweat about everyone’s deeps when the boss is dead.
Hahahahahaha. I used to be a progression raider, my friend. And one thing I’ve found as I’ve played is that you’re better off doing your best on a class you like instead of worrying about how well any particular class does and trying to switch to it. Having fun on that class? You’re gonna be doing a darnsight better than pushing someone into whatever meta there is.
That’s fine, but I will remind you of this: If the bosses are dying, what’s the use in worrying who’s doing what on the meters?
Yes, the theory crafters who make the guides and have a history of being correct are secretly trolls.
You caught em LFR hero!
Maybe if they buff frost enough your guild will finally bring you to an AOTC run and you get some sick grey parses!
It’s honestly impressive to see someone who has played as long as you never engage with any challenging PVE or PvP content. That FOS list is quite lonely.
After my hunter sends my DK enough honor for a full set I’ll give it the Ol college try in pvp. I am sorry to hear that some people think Frost DK will be bad in the future. It was fun to level to 80. As a previous paladin, main, I am very much enjoying having some CC removal and suppression from death knight’s version of divine steed. Hopping in the melee deathball and gripping in priests and hunters is fun too.
They do troll, both Unholy and Frost were nerfed in Legion, BFA, and SL based on false data from sims with corrupted/incorrect API, which the discord community knew about and lied about in order not to lose credibility. The bugged interactions in question were Risen Skulker, Wounds, SS/CS in ST from Legion right through BFA, and Obliterate in SL for Frost. I very clearly remember several people in the discord community in Legion and on the forums here(you and Biceps) whining about people just using CS in aoe situations where you didn’t have enough time to get wounds out so the dev team swung nerf hammer. Then when people complained about it, myself included we had people from the discord community come in here and troll and try and shout others down.
In Frosts case it was the several year campaign to keep 2h from returning and to keep BOS at the top of the heap build wise, no matter how bad it was for the spec.
You all don’t really even contribute that much since the top parsers in M+/Mythic/Heroic raid aren’t using your builds or gearing suggestions outside of the obvious choices. When the dps specs are popular and tuned well the discord TC’s don’t remain relevant for long, aside from Flarkness and he’s known for some pretty smoking hot takes himself.
I play other classes, always have and this community and it’s theory crafters have a long way to go in terms of practicing honesty before they should be taken seriously. If you want some good pointers check out Publik or Palamor on Youtube. Or any Lock guide creator those people are absolute masters at keeping locks in a good spot.
Anyone who is happy that a spec gets nerfed so that they can virtue signal about balance is indeed a troll.
You haven’t proven me wrong; you are just trolling my PVE history. By the way, let’s not get into PVE history ok, I don’t want to insult you, and I really don’t care if you insult me. My question to you is this. Can you prove me wrong or is it just your opinion vs mine?
Let’s wait and see what happens when the logs start coming in?
That is the best I can do for you. Ok, champ?
Obliterate was always going to get nerfed since KM rank 2 was introduced and it wasnt just the sims that were showing high Obliterate damage, it was logs.
People are still complaining about 2h not being up to par. It was a waste of resources when they could have put it into Transmog to give people what they wanted. If you guys got what you wanted, which was the ability to use a 2h, then 2h would be dead in the water. no campaign needed to see the obvious and that is what happened when they just allowed Frost to use a 2h. It was garbage.
The people at the top always say to change out talents based on your situation which people dont do but the ones at the top do. Most of the people here dont need to do this because they arent in the content that requires it. The people at the top will also call for certain things to be nerfed if it needs to be.
LOL at people who are meta slaves
Obliterate and Frost Strike do not contribute 50% of the spec’s damage; it’s much close to 35%, maybe 40% on the high end.
6% of 50% of your damage is the same as 94% of 50, which is 47. In your example, if 50% comes from those abilities and 50% from everything else, that means 50+47 = 97%, which would be a 3% nerf. But those abilities aren’t even 50% to begin with, hence why it’s a 2-4% damage loss.
Try again. Not even close to right. And you are not calculating all the nerfs that were received, between OP beta stage and current nerfs. You are also looking at it statically and not exponentially. Thank you though. At least you tossed up some math. That is cool
Rather than just saying “omg u wrong” maybe come with some facts and numbers that prove him wrong. Until then, you are wrong.
Believe what you want. All I have to do is wait for about a month after the logs start coming in and then everyone is going to see where the DKs rank. See ya then.
Thank you for your opinion though and for the bump.
Im convinced half these people dont even play the spec. They just whine so many good players killing it at non fotm specs
I hate having to bind deaths charger to a keybind.