Re Roll, it is still early

Blizzard is clearly going to take a dump on the DPS DKs this expansion. Icy veins Nerub’ar Palace DPS rankings already had Frost DKs at 21 out of 25. Way down at the bottom. If you want to offer competitive DPS to help out your raid team. RE ROLL! They haven’t even gotten to the Deathbringer tree which Blook DKs are blowing DPS away with.
Also, may I remind you Blizzard, if you are actually reading and care. That when you introduced DKs, they were primarily DPS SPECS! YES, WE COULD TANK, but not very many did. PALADINS were kings and Warrior were second and Druids were third back in original WOTLK. Blood was a DPS tree that relied on armor penetration in order to make competitive numbers. So, when you make dps dks mediocre to less, you are dumping on your original DK player base.

LOOK AT h ttps:// <–Nerub’ar Palace
This was BEFORE the nerfs! How funny is that?
Blizzard did this on purpose. Why are other classes allowed to be top competitive DPS and others are so far behind?
Why is there such class bias?

The expansion has been great, but the class balance is absolute garbage, unless you play one of the chosen specs.
Time to re roll. gg


there are so many new games out. I am done with WoW. I have 0 interest now since they nerfed frost. I am pretty pissed off. Oh well. Off to other games. Theres Space Marine coming out in a week, same with Wukong, and the first Descendant. Got plenty to play. Not gonna play this expansion. 20 years is enough of playing this game


and yet if you look at the same tier list from icy veins (for whatever these are worth), but for mythic +, they have FDK at nr 2, top tier DPS.
why you dooming man?


Truth is. It is THEIR game. It is not OUR game. They control it and they for some reason just don’t want, frost to be competitive in Nerub’ar Palace.
It is sad, that you can’t just play the class you want. IF they wanted to, they could balance the classes. ITS JUST MATH. 2% here 2% there on various abilities and they all could be.
All these people that think Frost is fine, it is going to very funny when the logs start coming in from Nerub’ar Palace and they show frost is way down.


Edited. Nevermind.

I’m never gonna reroll
Keep on keeping on y’all


Unless you are in a top 100 CE guild does it really matter? I’m a 6/8 7/9 mythic raider and I’ve raided competitively at that level with the “worst” dps classes. Going to be fine.


Why can’t we just play what we like and stop giving a damn about what’s meta? As long as the boss dies, who cares about where you are on the meters?


That’s why I stopped raiding so many years ago. There is definitely an objective level of how good each class is in endgame, but I don’t think it’s nearly as notable as a lot of people like to make out to be. I think our lack of a raid buff will have more impact on invited then a small nerf to damage will.

Stop making sense. These doomers just want to whine.


Do you even know how much Frost DK got nerfed overall in single target? Do you even know how it was doing in single target relative to other specs? Or are you just dooming because you the phrase “damage reduced by”.

That article is written by an M+ focused Ele Sham streamer (Petko) who barely raids at all that is notorious for making crap up and spreading wrong information.

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Said no one ever.

If you don’t care that much you wouldn’t care enough to write this loser trash.

DK doesn’t deserve this and these are products(TWW and DK or whatever classes) that we pay for. No spec deserves this.

People shouldn’t have to pay to be at the bottom so garbage specs designed for mongo (Ret/Warr) can feel good about themselves for playing garbage can specs. Neither should they be dunked on for Wizards which have near idiot proof kits for M+ and Raid to appear better than they already are which is really good esp in progression.

I’m an officer in my guild, I’ve got no problem telling people that are already questionable skill wise that it’s take the easiest path to performance in your role/class or sit.

If you’re happy at the bottom fine. You speak for no one else. BTW people like me that want tight numbers tuning aren’t the problem here. People that are OK with a 30%+ variance are the problem.

@ Allegra-People aren’t happy about outlaw, and you didn’t write anything like that over in the rogue forum. So what changed?

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Dk isnt at the bottom so quit with this woe is me whiny bs. Someone is always going to be at the bottom of a ranking list so this is a goal that is ALWAYS going to fail.

Talk about a hateful player that should never be taken serious, thats all you have been since you started posting.


Yeah, seriously.

Despite the nerfs, DK’s are still in a good spot.

I’m still rerolling DK. You’re clearly worried about the wrong things. Hero Talents> All. DK got some really cool and awesome hero talents while a lot of the classes (mage) got boring junk.

I don’t care if DK is bottom all expansion I’ll be riding on a horse in combat while doing my bad dps.


Thats something you will learn if you spend any amount of time on the DK forums, which you shouldnt.

They will be contrarian while trying to call you that because you arent falling in line with their way of thinking because their way of thinking is contrary to like every single metric out there. For example, people were trying to say Frost sucked in Castle Nathria despite being upper middle on the rankings on average and landing really high on certain bosses. Denathrius Frost DK was #1.

They have been doom pilling for so damn long that they cant recognize something good and they have been doom pilling since the start of Legion. Its insanity.

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HAH! You should try the Paladin forums sometime.

I mean, I get it. No one wants to see their class nerfed. We Paladins just got our Mastety nerfed but it was warranted. It was actually outpacing our Primary Stat, Strength. That’s a big no-no.

Dk’s will be fine. Anyone who didn’t see the nerf bat coming was living under a rock. They need to be glad that they aren’t Mages, especially Fire Mages. Now those guys…

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Frost still good

They never see the nerf bat coming. DK is fine.

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Your guild is an AOTC guild that takes months to get AOTC. Relax. If you have to min-max and require people to play meta specs to get AOTC, then you have bigger problems that are hampering your guild’s progress. What specs people are playing are the least of all of them, given that you just have to have some gear and a pulse to get AOTC. A spec being powerful means nothing if the person playing it can’t play the game properly. And a good player on a middle of pack dps will easily out perform a mediocre player on a “mEtA” spec at similar gear levels. Just let your people play what they feel comfortable with. If you’re not going to be pushing content why force people to swap. Mythic guilds don’t even do this unless it’s an extreme case.

Frost DK was outperforming Ret and Warrior in M+ prior to the nerf and was gapping the ever loving hell of Ret and Warrior. You can go and check Beta key still being done to this day. In fact, Frost DK was quite literally one of the best specs in M+ with only Arcane beating it, so it is probably close to being the best M+ spec now that Arcane got shot in the head and the other top performers also received nerfs more substantial than what Frost got. In single-target sims, Frost DK is quite literally gapping Fury and Ret and is a comfy spot at the upper end of middle of the pack WHICH IS PERFECTLY FINE IF YOU’RE NOT A TOP 50 MYTHIC GUILD BTW. It’s a 2% single nerf and a 5% nerf to AoE. You are quite literally dooming over nothing.