Re: RDF -- create a survey pop up on login like Social Contract

Not as popular as batching was. And batching shows ya how even the most popular of features can be awful.

Same for RDF.

Why not have…both? More subs also means more people to buy services. Its bad business practice to milk a dwindling playerbase when your focus should be getting more players so you can sell more in game services to said players.

Blizzard has no data showing that RDF was negative for the game. I guarantee you that’ve had more people quit in the last 3 months over RDF being removed from the game, than people quitting over the last 10 years because it existed.

We just have to accept the fact that Blizzard lost the ability to make good content years go (long after RDF was in the game). They’re gaslighting RDF because they refuse to admit that the last 3 expansions have been absolute garbage because the devs just continue to make bad design decisions. Instead of admitting it and take responsibility, they’re blaming a feature thats been one of the major factors in keeping retail alive up until this point, because those devs who made RDF are long gone.

The problem is… even when Blizzard states their feelings on something, they still sometimes reverse their feelings/decisions if people are adamant enough about it.

However… the biggest problem of all is that only a very small fraction of players visit the forums to post their opinions (possibly less than 1%) and many of those are the biggest whiners and most toxic players that can never be satisfied anyways… and don’t always share the majority opinion.

The average player’s opinion is never considered because they never send out questionnaires/polls/etc. Seriously, when/where/how does Blizzard get the average player’s opinion?

Well, my opinion is that removing dungeon finder isn’t a design decision. They just don’t want to spend the time or resources to get the old tool to work right with the new client.

And they don’t think it’s that big a deal. Especially Brian Birmingham. This thread is about surveys, and I remember a tweet he made about the subject of polling players about changes. He even put ‘cut lfd’ and ‘add lfd’ as theoretical questions and like what percent it would take to enact a change.

Someone called him out in the fact that removing lfd is the change, not adding it. He made some flippant reply. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but this issue to him is not a big deal. He’ll eventually find out how wrong he is.

They’re really going to feel it when all the people who are returning just for WOTLK realize that its been gutted, and quit. Right now, they’re sitting in a board room rubbing their hands together watching the subs increase, by P2 WOTLK Classic they’ll be trying to figure out why there was a drastic decline in subs, and then maybe they’ll start reading the feedback section of the ‘reason you unsubscribed’ field.

I agree with this. They don’t want to put the development time into make it, the ‘pillars’ are just a cheap misdirect from the real reason - time and money.

Brian is about as narcissistic as it gets. They won’t officially poll it because the overwhelming support to put it back in would absolutely crush his ego - and he’s definitely one of the times that just can’t be wrong about anything.

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I liked his (apparent) enthusiasm early on, but turned out to be the Classic wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Someone made the wrong decision to give him a position with some sort of power or pull on decisions, and its went to his head. I’m waiting for the day when its announced that he’s left the company or going to a different division. I’ll drink to that.

Brian said it wasnt an end all be all, so making our voices heard on the forum leads to them reversing the decision. was the tweet I was referring to.

He’s probably trying to be humorous, but just comes off conceited. And then someone replied, as I said, that removing lfd is the change and Brian said “for current players adding zany Lick King features is a change.”

He really has no concept that players want WRATH. He thinks he’s designing his own little game. Talk about the wrong person for the job.


They’re not the sharpest tools in the shed…

We’re doomed.

After seeing that Twitter, GG.


Yeah, people probably think I misspelled something. And the fact he refers to dungeon finder as a zany feature…

Be nice if he could put aside his personal prejudices and actually deliver what the majority of players want: an authentic Wrath experience. It’s not that hard; all he has to do is nothing.


That would require him admitting that he was wrong and just went on a lil’ trip with his hot take on what would be the best Wrath experience.

I’d be better off hoping pigs could fly.

While I personally would be curious to see results from such a survey two things spring to my mind.

  1. Blizzard could have done a survey/poll well before the RDF decision had they wanted to (after all they’ve done surveys before like with the retail level squish). Which leads me to believe they were getting rid of RDF regardless of how the community felt.

  2. A survey would not end the debate on the forums, because people would claim that the survey was faulty for XYZ reasons and/or you shouldn’t let players dictate how the game is designed due to XYZ reasons.

At this point people just need to accept that RDF isn’t coming back, and decide if they want to play WotLK classic or not. This forum PVP is only going to continue to be toxic and unproductive (unless your a troll enjoying the chaos I suppose)

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You do realize that this exact argument was used to argue against the vanilla/Classic threads, right? If people did what you said, Classic wouldn’t exist.


no we dont want RDF thanks for coming to my TED talk

If Blizzard actually did this poll, and the majority did want RDF, would you stop saying this?


they already did and the majority didnt want it so when will yall accept it and move on been two months of qq’ing in these forums…they are not doing it and we dont want it deal with it

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Where and when?

Can you find where Blizzard said this?