Re-open Classic era cloning

No I wouldn’t, I can post from my phone anywhere.

The service is retired just got to drag it out of retirement.

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Also did the math btw, I’ll need about 760k posts to break even so I got a long way to go.

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basically sums it up

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Ain’t happenin’ sweet pea. But yer salty tears are tasty.

the only people that made poor decisions are the people begging for the service to return because they didnt want to spend 5 dollars for their so important chars since classic was not popping off at a time.

Service is gone get over it

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can I get a #proof /10char. hah

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Definitely a poor decision that didn’t benefit the consumer at all. Don’t have much faith in blizzard though they continue to disappoint on every front

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I am in the same exact boat as you. If enough of us voice our concerns about this and how we feel wronged something could be done. I also made a post about it and now see many other have too. If we can make our voices loud enough hopefully they can bring the cloning back, or atleast bring our characters back somehow, there is a way, they just have to decide to do it.