Re: Flask Abuse Bans

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Retail everybody also has some type of self heal, defensive cd, etc.

I saw a bunch of people in LFG saying not to exploit it. Many people were looking out, but just as many were “nothing will happen” and “I just got my epic flight money!”.

Not one person that bought then vendored/AH/mailed stacks of them was doing it unintentionally. That was deliberate action. I say perma every last one of them. Cheaters will cheat again and are just mad they got busted.


i dont think blizzard can afford to perma ban their player base atm otherwise we will just be overrun with bots

On another note pretty convenient that the 58 boost is also discounted right now isn’t it?

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Goodluck in T5 raids with your raidteam now. Your guildis are not the brightest folks around it seems…


TBC is probably more popular than retail right now lol

Shouldn’t even ban for these exploits.

QA ya damn game.

This would be like being arrested for “stealing” money from a bank.

…that set the bags out in the open, with a sign that reads “BAGS OF MONEY”, and another sign that says “Be back in: [clock denoting an hour before the guards return]”.

((Meanwhile, bots are farming for weeks and don’t even get banned.))



Your example is idiotic, as expected. The bug was not advertised, it was discovered and a bunch of idiots decided to abuse it, like idiots do every single time a bug is found and people get ban every time.

A more proper example would be if you went to the ATM to do a withdrawal and realized afterward no money was taken from your account. You then decide to do it again, and again, and again… Eventually they find out and you’re arrested for abusing a glitch.

No matter what your idiotic argument is, stealing is AND REMAINS a crime in that scenario. The fact that there was a glitch does not make it less of a crime or absolve you. As a matter of fact, it’s the issue of you doing it over and over that makes you even more guilty.

Christ some people are dense.


A crime? Damn some people are mental.

Blizzard had couldn’t even fix this in ptr along either all the other broken c rap they dint even care to qa before release.

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I love that your guild mates got banned. Got exactly what they deserved.


Just as idiotic as them not testing to see if it works.

I had been about to give them some slack. I figured maybe the Shards were put into the Currency Tab in Retail. And since they likely just ported over as much of the Retail TBC code as they could. Maybe they forgot to check that since the shards were originally a ‘physical’ item that took up bag space. That the code wasn’t changed to actually deduct from the bags.

NOPE! Just hopped on Retail and managed to get 3 Shards from some mobs. They’re in my bag.


…they literally broke something that was working and it made it to release because they, once again, failed to test.

I have zero sympathy for games when the devs cause exploits due to inadequate testing.

I would just roll back the characters and be done with it. If they lost items due to being rolled back to before a raid. Oh well.

But banning to compensate for incompetence. No. It was our (speaking from their perspective) fault.

And remember, it’s not like they punish gold buyers or the gold farmers. So it’s like the cops not arresting a person who just murdered someone but yet cuffing some one for jaywalking.

((I wonder who many of those with 180 day bans also had an active multi-month sub. :thinking: ))


Nope, once again basic logic escapes you.

If a Garda employee forgets money on a counter or something, it still does not give you the right to take it. Whether someone is incompetent or not, does not entitle you from not observing rules. It’s once again people like you, and tc’s guildies, looking for excuses for their bad behavior. Bugs happens in video games, it does not give you the right to abuse glitches and bugs whenever one is found–those are the rules. You’d think it would be simple enough for you to understand.

It’s in the UA. You signed the UA. Deal with the consequences. End of story.


nah, they’ll get the same treatment as everyone else. Knowingly exploiting is the worst type of gamer. The typical cheater in a game.


they do ban them. I"ve gotten many notices saying the person i reported has been dealt with. They do ban botters

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It’s quite disgusting how they handled these and shows how little they care about players. I was also one of the people hit for 3d simply for clicking the bugged forges, as if we’re supposed to somehow know in advance NOT to click the forges which the quests TELL us to click. It came with a forum silence too, no doubt done so abused users can’t complain about it. Their support, useless as ever, wouldn’t listen to any reason, ignored damn near everything I typed, and just refused to do anything.


This is a horrible analogy… As you can be arrested and will be convicted if the bank accidentally deposited money in your account and you spent it knowing it wasn’t your money.

The ban is perfect… players know they are not supposed to use exploits… plain and simple.


Let me just grab that candy bar from the store, eat it and buy another one fairly. That way I just got 2 with the price of 1. Intended way ofcourse!

Since I didn’t do anything. There are no consequences for me; just like how there’s none for the devs making this rookie-level mistakes. :rofl:

in saying that shouldn’t all the world first players be banned for abusing glitches and exploits?

I mean they hide it under “clever use of mechanics” but using a hunter pet with eyes of the beast to out run mobs then invis pots to get straight to bosses seems a lot worse to the game then a few people buying flasks


not wrong “shrug”

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I have thoroughly enjoyed some of the screwed-up logic in this thread. Folks really think that it is ok to do bad things if other people have gotten away with bad things in the past.

“Hey, I should not be in trouble for robbing this bank because I saw someone rob a different bank yesterday and they got away with it, so I should too!”

That is legit how some of you sound.