Re: Flask Abuse Bans

Blizzard is punishing paying customers for their own incompetent release

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Regardless of the outcome, this is still true and very frustrating.

I wonder how many bans went out?

If you exploited the flask bug, YOU SHOULD BE BANNED.


Something between many and all of them.

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Lol ya
 no way to ever know

Where’s your full clear of TK/SSC for this week?


I mean yeah fairly obvious it was gonna happen

people got banned for picking up a couple extra spirit shards out of pvp lootboxes

cant ban bots but can heavily hammer down minor exploits in a 15yo game


Not just exploits in an old game, but new exploits that Blizzard ignored during PTR.

Vash is dropping threat which shouldn’t be a mechanic.


i said it’s more difficult than LFR not that it was difficult, i do think people are drinking crazy person cool-aid when they say LFR is more difficult than eg classic naxx or at least i would think that if i didn’t know the only people who would say that is a retail bro taking shots. my very average guild went 4/10 in nathria first night meanwhile in classic we spend hours wiping on al’ar zzz


You’re not going to get a reasonable discourse out of this guy. He doesn’t play classic, he never will and will never stop looking down his nose at those that do.

He said it himself, he was just here to derail the thread.


Sorry OP, but they knew it was wrong. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


hope you’re not in their guild, you deserve better. reading comprehension baffled them imagine what a mechanic would do to them if they had to be responsible for it. Good thing that 4 people can literally carry an entire raid in TBC

I’ve said it three times in the thread, but one more time.

“I’m not asking for the ban to be lifted, just reduced to three days or twenty-four hours.”

I think that’s reasonable for very mild abuse of a bug.

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if they are getting 2 month bans, it isnt their first rodeo on the pain train
They for sure need to to sit those 2 months


Nope, I vote harsher punishments. This slap on the wrist crap is not working.

And if they got more than 3 days, than this is not their first offense.


when the height of personal responsibility is “stand in the big red circle” when i can disengage across the map in 2 seconds or a 100% speed increase on a 2minute CD aka retail cheetah then it’s not really a big deal compared to tanks just suddenly getting eaten alive because janky damage. if this were retail al’ar would be completely trivial just because of the existence of heroic leap



And you know what. Forget the OPs guild. No one guild is more important than the game as a whole. These players abused an exploit, knew what they were doing was wrong and they deserve what they got.

Odds are the guild is crap anyways if they let players that do this in it in the first place.

I say let the guild fail.


I’m not sure what you’re basing that off of. Of the four guildies that got a ban, only of them used the exploit to make gold and even then it was a relatively small amount.

And you’re suggesting to me that losing their account for three days is a slap on the wrist. Do you advocate for those caught speeding to be shot?