Re: Flask Abuse Bans

7k post? man no wonder you’re struggling to find people to carry you through content that was perfected decades ago.


oooops. Still the intent stands.


Nah it doesnt you failed big time trying to clown me and ending up looking like a clown yourself BIG DUB for me


Either they are lying to you or they can appeal it and get it turned down to a short ban rather quick. Typically people don’t tell the truth when it comes to this kind of stuff, 5 might really mean more. If he really only got 5 then an appeal should probably get it reduced.

hahahaha, nope still a fail retail noob regardless. At least this content is hard enough that wsome people need carried. I don’t. You probably do in retail lol. keep making yourself look like dumb and dumber.

I’ve successfully hijacked the thread, no-one even cares to defend you and your guilds actions with CHEATING…enjoy your time off the game. Maybe in the future you wont take advantage of the generous rules that are in place


I mean bro, I’ll dip you for sure win hard…I’d hate to further embarrass myself. please send my girlfriend back home when your done ok?

Wait you… wha?

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I’m not surprised at some of the callous responses in the thread, but I figured just in case a blue man reads all the way down here and thinks mob justice has let Blizzard off of the hook:

-No-one in my guild farmed billions of gold with the nefarious idea of tanking the economy and ruining the game for everyone.
-My guildies are not asking for their ban to be removed entirely, nor am I. Just, commutation to 24 hours or 3 Days - I don’t think that’s unreasonable, especially considering the exploit is gone now and the exploit should never have made it to production.
-There’s an unfair framing of everyone who took advantage of this exploit being some evil dirty hackerman mccheatyface - which just isn’t true.

For all the mud getting thrown at TBCC, it’s not as big as classic, recruiting is hard, there’s not a lot of players out there. Dealing with players being banned (and potentially quitting as a result) is not ideal when there’s already so little going around.

Not to mention the loss of revenue from players who feel hard done by (however right or wrong that is) and quit the game for good.

Ingrate, you realize the reason retails getting all these QoL changes blizzard absolutely refused to do (and said were impossible) is because half the retail playerbase quit and blizzard went into fullblown panic mode

Btw both retail and classic have had almost equal activity numbers throughout all of tbcc


They either did it or they didn’t.


There could very well have been false positives. In a number of these exploit cases (which, somehow, make it to live despite being reported on PTR), there are a lot of false positives.


They have diff lengths most likely cause how long they have the accounts active and their prior issues.

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It seems to be entirely based on amount exploited. One person made 10g and was banned for 24 hrs. A few got 3 day bans and were in the sub 1k amount. Two got 6 month bans.

what LFR have you been doing, a LFR group could never hope to do mag or hell even gruul especially in the confines of classic where your toon doesn’t have a million different tools. TK and SSC are appropriately difficult. 90% of normal castle nathria aka all i did in shadowlands raiding felt like a breeze compared to even the first trash pack in TK and it was one of the easiest LFR they’ve ever made too


I understand where your coming from OP but you should probably delete this post before the forum inquisitors come after you. It sucks to hear about your guildies getting banned, I hope it works out for you guys.

Well, good news - my whining may have paid off. Some of my guildies got their bans commuted, meaning they’ll make raid times.

No-one is saying they shouldn’t have been banned, everyone’s learned their lesson, thank you for dunking on me.

Feel free to derail the thread by comparing retail to classic.


they all got busted before they could profit. :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: :smoking:

Bro you cant honestly be saying Mag/Gruul or ANY raid in TBC is difficult…you gotta be trolling