Re: Flask Abuse Bans

And you know what. Forget the OPs guild. No one guild is more important than the game as a whole. These players abused an exploit, knew what they were doing was wrong and they deserve what they got.

Odds are the guild is crap anyways if they let players that do this in it in the first place.

I say let the guild fail.


I’m not sure what you’re basing that off of. Of the four guildies that got a ban, only of them used the exploit to make gold and even then it was a relatively small amount.

And you’re suggesting to me that losing their account for three days is a slap on the wrist. Do you advocate for those caught speeding to be shot?

Or maybe lose their license for 3 days… you know comparing apples.

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What drugs are you on right now? Seriously, no sober brain would ever associate people exploiting in a video game to people getting shot in the real world.

What kind of screwed up are you?


I’m suggesting to you that your concept of justice is warped.

And you are just warped. That is just all kinds of wrong to even think that getting a 3 day ban in a video game is remotely equivalent to getting shot for speeding.

You are a sick individual and I want nothing else to do with you or your sick sense of right and wrong.

3 days away from the game for exploiting is a slap on the wrist, you don’t agree due to personal interest.


At no point am I suggesting that happen. You’re misrepresenting me there.

I’m not dunking on you. Just trying to give you a heads up, but it seems you already know how bad this place can be. GL with your raids this week.

I don’t mind folks getting three days, I disagree with some of my folks getting a month or two months.

Three days both me and my guildies can live with and we all think that’s fair.

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So, why are you posting on a retail alt?

I played retail before TBCC.

I enjoy world of warcraft.

Your guildies should have known better and deserve the ban. Next time use fly hacks n00bs.


Glad to hear that some of your members have been unbanned, my guild is currently going through the same crisis as yours did and hoping that the ban punishment is lightened as it is a pretty harsh ban considering the other gold bans have been much lesser from what I have witnessed

I hope they all lose their 280% mount so they learn their lessons!!!

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Glad they got banned.

Exploit is an exploit.

They know what they were doing.

Be thankful those savory types aren’t in your guild for now.


Should have been perma banned. 1500g meant he sat at the vendor intentionally printing gold.


Your guildies aren’t sorry, they are only sorry they got caught.


Do stupid things, receive stupid answers. The ban is fully theirs. If some got banned for longer than others then they simply made use of it way more most likely or had a warning already on the acc.

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They did the crime now they have to do the time. Tell them to stop cheating in a 15 year old game that is already easy enough.

No sympathy.