No idea why they were removed, but my guild needs a race/class combo that I have on the pve cluster, but I can’t transfer it now. I’m fine with paying for it, just give us the option to do so
Yeah, I’ve got a couple of toons I’d pay to transfer if I could. Era has enough obstacles to overcome right now without adding a new one: stranding toons on servers where the player doesn’t want them to be.
What on Earth would require a certain race for Classic WoW?
Dwarf priest for fear ward is most common.
A guild wouldn’t shun a Priest Healer just because they are not Dwarf. At least… they shouldn’t.
Please go reply to this blue post to let them know how stupid this was and demand they bring paid transfers back
why should you be able to transfer? whitemane has enough players already
Whitemane is an Undead Troll.
This makes us effectively immortal and every day we regenerate playerbase and there is nothing blizzard can do about it.
Leaving Grob? or asking because people want to move over?
We have people who want to bring their level 60s over to Grobb to play with us and they no longer can due to Blizzard shutting off the paid transfer service. You’d have to reroll 1-60 now on Grobb which thankfully isn’t locked to new character creation yet.
We all still have Free Character Moves to leave Grobb for Whitemane at any time which we aren’t taking but still exist. Those just get exploited by botters and exporters to farm resources and mule them to Whitemane.
Ironic that Blizzard shut off PTS that would help us but refused to shut down the FCMs that are being exploited and hurt us on Grobbulus. And at the same time was willing to shut off FCMs on Deviate Delight as soon as streamers asked for it… but only on the streamer realm.
Now, players are stuck in DD wanting to leave it, but can’t pay or FCM off it. Grobb can’t recruit new players due to PTS shut down, but people can exploit FCMs to export off our realm.
It’s an absolute mess. I’m partly convinced they’re doing all of this on purpose with no he end goal being to kill off micro servers completely to let the farmers have them uncontested. I already have quotes from Aggrend telling me he believes the exports are good for stabilizing the economy on Whitemane.
This is such a bad take… why should anyone be forced to be stuck on a dead realm they want off of? Why shouldn’t they be able to pay for transfers that have existed for the last 4 years in order to play with their friends? Era could use all the players we can get, even on Whitemane.
they need to just completely disable the free character moves forever and re enable paid transfers to any realm
I agree with that 100%. People have had 4 years to use FCMs. It seems totally valid to charge me $15 or $25 or whatever it is to move my character if I want that option.
The fact that blizzard said they removed paid transfers to remove a “money trap” from us is so rich.
Yup… he’s disgusting to effectively sponsor that activity. WMC is fine, and economy is actually really good now that we have exterminated not only the bots on our realm (mostly) but also that the few gold buyers we had left on WMC have all left to fresh.
WMC is pristine again, the WSG meta is back in a good way, the games are solid the players are fun to play with any I have not seen a single “let’s get to the next game / omg my honor per hour is bad” cry baby crap since Fresh extracted the poison from our veins.
The upside to losing people to fresh and other game variants is we are left with the people who wanted to be on era and playing vanilla to begin with
Yup, and like an undead unkillable troll we regenerate player base and there is nothin blizzard can do about it.