Rdps/Heals OS LFG

I am looking for a guild that needs a ranged dps main that can if needed heal offspec on bosses. I am more comfortable as a dps but do enjoy healing just need alot more practice since I haven’t healed much in the last few exspansions. With a guild I am looking for a guild that I can continue to grow with, help the team out, raid with would like to do mythic raiding during this tier, pvp here and there with and Keys maybe push as get more used to routes and dungeons wanting to get all plus 15 to get the mount this tier is my goal.

Looking to play either druid or shaman as for me those are the most fun classes and fit the play style I like to play the most and really like both the dps and healing specs of both in raid. With that being said I am looking for a guild that raids from 9pm to 12pm EST sunday through thursday and from 9pm EST to whenever on friday or saturday can go late into the night both those days. I have already gotten aotc and done some mythic raiding guild doesn’t have to be there just yet for me to be interested but would like to get into mythic and down a few to all bosses on mythic with guild(goes as far as we can as a guild) Dont wanna do just aotc. I would prefer a raid team that raids 2 days a week and has a optional third day. would prefer 3rd day to be alt raid (could be open to raiding 3 days a week for the right guild) or ect so I can keep up both toons and help the guild out on either in any form of content.

If you think id be a great fit for your raid team or have any more questions feel free to ask, can link logs if need there as well. Also feel free to drop info below or reach out to me at my discord Torlekt#8868

Hey bud, I sent you a discord request. I would love to chat with you about the guild I represent Quake Star. Your spec/class as Druid or shaman are exactly what I’m looking for to help round out our team as we finish achieving aotc(we are currently 9/10H) and move into mythic.

We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9pm-12am est

Hope to chat with you on discord soon!

Hi Torlekt! Sounds like our guild might be a great fit for you. I send you a friend request.

Sent you a discord request 2/10M sun/mon 10-1 server with weds offnight. Let me know if interested for more details

Sent you a discord request!

Hello there Torlekt. I see you are looking for a guild and if by chance if you are still looking here is a link to our guild recruitment. The guild is called "Lifeline " and we raid Sunday/Monday 8pm-11pm server time. Our focus is on AotC and after we clear heroic we will dabble into Mythic. We also do mythic+ and have people interested in doing rated PVP. We have a laid back/casual atmosphere but are there to down bosses and progress as far as possible. It has our raid times/days and pretty much all info. Or I’d be more than happy to talk to you on here. Enjoy your day and look forward to hopefully talking to you. :slight_smile: Guild Recruitment - Stormrage - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hello Torlekt, I sent you a discord friend request, Myz and I are in Lifeline, if you’re interested, please accept the friend request and I can answer any of your questions.

is currently recruiting. Our schedule is Tues/Wed/Thur 9-Midnight EST. We are currently 4/10 heroic in our first week raiding heroic.

The original GM/RL is back after being MIA for 3 years. Prior the guild lead CE mythic raids. We may not be going for CE currently however our goal is to be a mythic raiding guild again.

Contact in game - Krazy#1922

Hey there Torlket, I am the GM/RL for my guild and we are recruiting a R Dps who would be interested in healing as necessary (shaman pref)! From the look of your post my guild might be a good fit for you. We are currently 7/10H with some sub 5% pulls on Sludgefist (first day progressing on him was yesterday night). We have Mythic aspirations and are aware we may not get CE this tier, however, it won’t stop us from trying and preparing for the next!

We are now raiding Wed/Thurs 9pm to 12am EST with an optional third day for an alt raid on Saturdays during the same time span. If you are interested please contact me via bnet Ysosrslawl#1721 or discord Y so srs Lawl#0538.

I look forward to hearing from you!

I think we have the perfect team for you :slight_smile:

A Night Off is an Online Gaming Community with a large focus on World of Warcraft. We are a large, active Alliance Mythic raiding guild on the server US-Stormrage. If you are looking for a guild with on average 50+ online during the day, and 100 members on in the evenings this is the place for you! MULTIPLE raid teams ranging from casual Heroic to CE pushing! Multiple RBG teams! Constant Mythic+ running and tons of guild activities!
Parses on Trash: CE Focused: Currently 4/10M
Raid days - Tues/Wed/Fri 8:30pm-11:30 pm EST
Tropic Thunder: CE Focused: Currently 4/10M
Raid days - Wed/Thurs 8:00pm-11:00pm EST
Lowfall Neighbors: NEW CE Focused Team
Raid days - Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:00pm - 12:00am EST
Raid days - Fri/Sat 10:30pm - 12:30am
Chill Team 6: Heroic AOTC Focused (WEEKEND)
Raid days - Sat/Sun 2:00pm - 5:00pm EST

We are a very large guild and have a spot for you! Come check us out!
Website: https://www.anightoff.net/
Recruitment Contacts DISCORD : SpanaticSyndrom#6785 Aearo#9581

Hi Torlekt!

In Other News on Stormrage-US is recruiting!

We pride ourselves on having a welcoming, friendly, laid-back atmosphere, while striving for cutting edge.

The classes we are currently looking for include: healers - paladin, monk, holy priest or shaman; melee: death knight, demon hunter or shaman; and ranged - marksmanship hunter, spriest, boomkin or mage!

However, we are ALWAYS looking for exceptional players!

We raid Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, 8:15pm - 11:00pm server time. Wednesday and Thursday will be mythic progression, and Sunday is an optional heroic raid and we do allow alts to come along to this raid also.

Our progression in Castle Nathria is 2/10 Mythic, 10/10 Heroic and 10/10 Normal. We are working on Mythic Hungering Destroyer now.

We use RCLootCouncil loot system for any items that you wish to trade, but have no expectations for you to trade. We offer discord for all members, in which we do require a working microphone in case you need to ever call out for something raid related. We use cauldrons for flasks in the raid, and provide vantus runes when needed.

Once a month on a Monday night we do a social event with a vote being done to decide the event that all guild members can vote on. Some options include pvp, other games, old raid or dungeon achievements, transmog runs, visions, islands, trivia games to name some.

Tuesday night is a dedicated M+ night, with multiple groups getting done high keys completed.

If you are interested in applying or would like more information feel free to add Zahliah#1647 to talk some more about In Other News!

Hello Torlekt

:star:The Fallen Order | Alliance | Stormrage :star:

We are a freshly started guild that is primarily focused on Heroic raiding, however we do also enjoy pushing Mthyic+ keys and PvP shenanigans because loot gets bosses dead quicker. AOTC is our baseline expectation for every tier while aiming for improvement from the guild as a whole. We are actively recruiting like-minded folks for core spots and not bench. Most of the raid team is 10/10N 4/10H.

We are looking for dedicated players who can commit to raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand that life happens which means absences happen. But we ask that you try to keep it to a minimum. We ask that players show up raid ready with a strong awareness of their class, boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve. We like to have fun and joke around while still being focused on raiding strategy.

:star:Raid Schedule :star:

Wednesday 7pm - 10pm EST
Thursday 7pm - 10pm EST
*possibly a third day if needed

:star:Raid Needs :star:

1 - Tank(Non Dh)
2-3 Healers(Any)
4 - Mix of Range and melee Dps

:star:Guild Contacts :star:

CastorX Bnet: CastorX#1779 Discord: CastorX#2678
Smitty Bnet: Smittyjones#1603 Discord: Smittyjones#9820