RDF - Your Experience

Very smooth… only one group had some issues but I stayed with them because why not? It’s always fun to see that currency progression and my alts are going to LOVE IT!

If you’re wiping on the first trash pack I really don’t think it’s because of the dps with lower then 5k gs.

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Yeah the mechanic in those just sucks in general.

i had a prot war and prot pal in deadmines as a resto druid. that was fun honestly lol. the poor pally tried.

Been great so far, 30 second to 1 minute ques, mostly smooth groups. Easy playing catch up as a healer. Went from 4400 to 5100 yesterday. Happy its finally added, long overdue. Now I can enjoy the game.


can do that quest once.

Sounds like people were not doing the mechanics. You can’t just pop into gama dungeons and ignore mechanics, so don’t blame the healers.

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Only frustrating thing so far is the level range for dungeons you are seemingly able to queue for.

Why, as a level 17 can I only queue for RFC when I should easily be able to queue for deadmines/SFK? Why is SM:GY the only dungeon my level 31 can queue for? No BFD? No Library?

I don’t remember if it was like that with the original launch of RDF, but hopefully this is just a bug cuz I’d like to be able to do more than the same dungeon until I hit the next level bracket.


I always warn people… (I am also a shammy)…watch your feet. I can’t move and heal (other than riptide) and if I get the frost, and someone else gets it you will need to take defensive action…if you don’t you’ll be dead -and that is on you.

DPS have personal responsibility to keep themselves alive in all dungeons.


What quest? The daily? It wouldnt be a daily if you can only do it once.

Replaced 2 healers, the ilvl requirement seemed kinda low for some of the more intensive healing dungeons like ToC inquisitor

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Maybe they’re talking about the specific icc dungeon quests with Jaina, yeah those are just a one time thing. But yeah getting both dailies done from the icc dungeons is something I definitely noticed as well.

Those icc dungeons seems great though, pretty easy, less annoying mechanics, and you get loads of emblems. I think my plan will be to do those every day, and then if I still want more I’ll queue for a random.

I think I agree, but I got ToC last night, joined and they were at second boss so I thought it would be a nightmare, but seemed easy. We get a 5% damage bonus by default for using rdf and the new mechanic buffs, so maybe that can make the difference?

Healers would get murdered by Inquisitor and Black knight. The 4.5k priest just got oom during inquisitor, which is also a rng fight with different abilities that can be worse. To note we were an overgeared 4 man so there’s not much excuse.

tbh, i ran 1 gamma last night, and it was awful. I’ve ran countless betas across two toons, farmed a ton of sidereal essences with groups formed in LFG and guild, and last night was an epic awfulness, 7 wipes in AN. People standing in poo, healer not cleansing, people not breaking others out of webs. I probably will never do another RDF unless its with guildees, it was absolutely awful and killed my enthusiasm for this patch. Screw the minor holes in my gear when ICC normal gear is going to insta-replace almost immediately with raid gear. I’m just going to get in-out for the frost emblems with friends. Not worth it to me.


I did Deadmines on both a lvl 17 Tauren Resto Druid, and a lvl 18 Dwarf Holy Priest. The only options it gave me for both was Deadmines or WC.

BTW, both were fun, even if the Bear tanking the Druid run was way too squishy, mana was an issue with him. And the Warrior Tank on the other didn’t seem to realize he couldn’t make huge pulls and survive, and the again, mana is an issue at that level.

Maybe people are used to infinite mana and ability to pull large

go out and quest

Don’t run max difficulty content in random dungeon finder. I don’t get why you’d expect different when half of the difficulty is being geared

Instant queues, easy clears.

Only had one issue and it was from a very annoying (and very geared) mage. The guy thought he could solo the place and left when he died :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (I swear it wasn’t on purpose ;))

So far really good except for the occasional tank that likes to troll.

Great add to the game. The only problem is that dungeons disappear from your queue options FAR to fast. You can’t even get the quests done and they are gone. They really need to expand the level bracket from like 2 levels to 5-6 levels for dungeons.

Even if they take them off random they should be selectable under Specific Dungeons until they go grey.