RDF What is the downside to You Personally

They kinda have a point ya know…

That would seal it. :wink:

So your idea of trolling us is to… bump our threads higher so Blizzard has a higher likelihood of seeing them? Uh… bold strategy.


My Bad. PLEASE LUCID… Please stop Pwning us back to 2014. Cannot go on.

Where is my trigger couch?


Don’t discourage him. We need our threads seen and our voices heard.

The casual strategy: ‘Just let them post’ is working splendidly.

He admitted to bumping RDF threads for months. I’ve suspected as much, and have been very vocal about it.

So if nothing else, thanks lucid for confirming everything I’ve been saying. You made me 100% correct.

Its pretty simple. Its a feature I want. Even if posting only increases the odds .000000001% over not posting its still a higher chance than it was before. Also I have nothing else to do while trying to use this broken LFG tool since I have to babysit the LFG chat anyway.

Wouldn’t surprised me if they were actually Lemon trying to not be Lemon.

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it is astonishing if you think they haven’t seen the threads.

Oh, I’m with you on that. Came back and gave this LFG feature a go.
On a smaller server it’s useless for leveling, not enough people. Using it is distracting from game play. Needs to be refreshed constantly, need to keep watching LFG chat just like we did without it.
I find it actually slows leveling down and that questing is far more efficient. If this is their vision of socializing, they need to visit an optometrist.

Personally I like RDF, it makes getting some fast runs in very convenient 24/7.

The downside is it turns PvE into a single player experience. You hit 1 button and get put into a group of other characters that might as well be NPCs. They’re not on your server, you probably never have to see them again, and if everyone knows the dungeon you don’t have to interact with them in any way. Honestly Blizz should just make a single player dungeon / raid finder with NPC filled groups for people who want that.

Another thread of children who can’t read pretending reasons they don’t agree with don’t exist. Reading skill and critical thought is severely lacking in the kids who have only played games post-matchmaking. The lack of experience is abound.

Oh I get that there are some people upset that others would choose to use an optional tool, that reason exists. It’s just not an in game reason why RDF is bad.

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AP grind is a different game. I am here for WotLK. Let future games handle themselves.

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Dont like it don’t use it is one of the dumbest and short-sighted answers I’ve ever seen in my life. You demonstrate that you know absolutely nothing about human nature and how people will behave when provided a path of least resistance.

I’m sure you’ll say “well if no one does it manually that means no RDF is bad because everyone uses it”

Here’s why that’s stupid: if you gave people a button that instantly gave you full 25M heroic ICC BiS how difficult do you think it would be to find raiders to clear the content organically?

People will always take the path of least resistance, even if it’s not fun for them.

Pro tip, RDF is just a tool to access content, it is not a button that gives you loot.


The Group Finder let’s me handpick my group. When I eventually do H CoS, the only plate I’ll invite to my group will be DK’s because they can’t use the shield.

There are absolutely in game reasons, as well as game design reasons, and logical reasons.

It actually is a button that gives you loot with the daily reward.

Ok, please elaborate on these, so that we can review them and either agree or provide a rebuttal. Just to wave your hand around and say “there are reasons” is not good enough.