RDF What is the downside to You Personally

And yet you have failed to provide evidence as to how RDF ruined the game.

Me and another person have told you in another thread that WoD’s failure wasn’t the result of RDF existing, its more or so how promising the expansion was but failed to deliver in any capacity, I could say the same with BFA and Shadowlands though their situation are different but RDF wasn’t the cause of the failure of those two expansions before you make that point.

Go on and keep making these “trust me bro” sources, if you can’t back up your argument or refuse to back it up than your argument falls flat on its face as people question you.

You get these toxic people in your manually formed groups aswell, you either have selective memory or you didn’t experience toxicity in your time in Classic.

Regardless if it formed by the person or automated. toxicity is not exclusive to RDF.

I mean black listing doesn’t mean :poop: now and days, especially when you have an option to buy a name change and change your characters appearance or you could go on an alt that has a different name.

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Of course RDF ruined the game. It’s like this: 100% of people who’ve died drank water. Therefore, water is lethal. Do you understand now?


I use the LFG tool to run dungeons and what I like about it is that I run dungeons with people on my server. I even end up in groups with people more than once and that is pretty fun.

If RFD was in the game and cross server, most people would just use that because it’s easier. That’s human nature. Path of least resistance. So the LFG tool becomes dead and then everyone is forced to use RFD unless you run a guild group.

I’m not 100% opposed to RFD, but I do think it has an impact on the social fabric of an mmo. I think think the bigger issue with RFD is being able to get into dungeons without leaving the city. Having to actually run inside the dungeon portals makes it feel like you are in a world rather than a game. I don’t know if that makes any sense.

I also see the other side for low pop servers or people trying to level wanting to do dungeons. RFD is a good tool to solve those issues. But I don’t like it for current content.

I think the best solution, and actually, the proper solution that should’ve been done right from the beginning is only have RDF for Normal and Low Level Dungeons, and leave Heroic Dungeons to be manually formed.


You apparently can’t read. Congratulations.

It doesn’t you absolute joke.

I was simply making a point about human nature and how people always take the path of least resistance regardless of if it’s fun or not, just like world buffs in vanilla.

The “you don’t have to use it” argument is stupid for that reason

Bumpity bump bump!

If RDF was limited to 1-70, or at least 1-60, there would be no downside what so ever. But ignorant forum users can’t grasp this logic. They want it disabled ENTIRELY because they believe that having it anywhere will somehow hurt northrend, even if it’s not on northrend. Not having it also feeds the other crowd begging for XP buffs because they can’t get dungeon groups.

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The phrase is server community. Let’s use cross realm BG’s as an example. Say if blizzard did not do cross realm BG’s, would the realms be like they are today? Would we be seeing a massively different scenario for the realms? I think not personally. Players will always try to push one faction over to be the “top dog” on the realm to the point of being barren of the opposite faction. At least from a pvp server standpoint. Truthfully, I think it would be more toxic in all honesty. Say one faction isn’t queueing for BG’s while the other isn’t? Ganking. They can’t do what they want so they go out of their way to make someone else’s life or whatever you want to compare it too as miserable as possible.

Now it’s still could be argued the same for RDF, if this was server side, it would be just as toxic and easily manipulated to ruin someone’s reputation based on how one feels, like gatekeeping, ninja looting, being bad at a class or just the game, etc. With how the current playerbase sees players, the bad player will never get the chance to get better and leave, unless they happen to find a guild/friend(s) that will help. But this could backfire on them as a realm side community and get them alienated to depending on the realm just for association.

It is literally tribalism right now, that’s all it is for wow classic. Pro changes vs No changes. And I don’t trust the players without having changes.

destroys server identity and allows for the breeding of a toxic community where players are no longer people but a number to be rotated in and out at will.

RDF was the start of the LoL style toxicity of players entering into WoW at much higher levels because there was no repercussions to actions. RDF you got DPS#395022 If they screwed up, you would yell at them, get 3 people to kick them, then get DPS#6598002 and go about your way.

Ninja and loot sniping would go completly unpunished, created and promoted really crappy tactics like 3 DPS queuing up as a haler and Tank, then vote kicking the other 2 randoms they got and requeing to be put right at the top of the list.

RDF alter wow from being an MMO RPG into what retail is now an action RPG.

I would not have an issues with RDF if it was for non heroics, and or it only pulled from your server.

this is the most dog :poop: opinion I have ever seen for a feature. Retail didn’t become an action RPG till after cata, I’d go beyond that till legion TBH.

Another bad take, why? Because there’s still the chance of not getting players to do older content still for certain rolls, especially if it was server side. You are acting like there will always be an infinite supply of tanks or healers while leveling, that’s just not the case.

This already happens without rdf. And people still don’t get punished by that.

Only thing that can destroy a servers community is the servers community. If it’s already :poop: it’ll stay like that.

Does not change that it was the beginning of the end.

Sure they do, server black listing was a thing, and its happening now to those that do it.

Dont like it? Wrath is not for you, go back to retail you wont be missed.

RDF is a WRATH feature. If you don’t like it, go back to retail.

Not unitil late patch, this is how it was, wrath is not for you.

RDF is so bad and not classic at all. If I wanted to play retail I’d pre order DF.

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By late patch you mean the patch we’re currently playing?

“For starters, the expansion will also run in its latest incarnation, Patch 3.3.5 , from the very first day, which includes many changes and improvements that didn’t come until much later.”

THAT patch, you mean?

Yes, it actually does, drastically. That’s saying RDF was adding into wrath, it was an action RPG, your words, not mine.

Maybe if we went back in time, yes it mattered. But today? Hardly unless you have a deep grudge against a player to make sure they can’t play on any realm since there’s server discords.

You’re just dumb, what are you even getting at with that :poop: response, oh wait, you smell like :poop: so you must be :poop:.

Sounds like wrath is just not for you friend.

By late patch i mean when we had ICC i dont see no ICC yet so.
Retail is the other way if you like.

It was added as a catch up mechanic for unlimited badge farming. Stop gaslighting fake information.

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This, it was a catch up to get people into ICC