RDF Was Good For The Community

awwww (I do need some windows cleaned…).

You asked all 15+ of them if they had alts and they all said no?

Sorry, I just don’t believe that. Do you have any proof? Screenshots or something?

sorry just resubbed so can’t post links or screen shots yet.

but not nice calling a person a liar you just met, I see why people don’t like you.

I’ve never seen him break. Boopeeps will eventually lose it. Not Bloomy though. He’s got to be a soulless robot or something.


the troll I get, the other person, I think I’d need to be drunk to make anything of them…

I didn’t even realize peep was a troll. Just thought they were dense lol

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Yeah, that one is a classic.

I didn’t call you a liar. You should reread what I wrote if you think that’s the case.

I am well liked, I’ve made meaningful relationships and that’s why I don’t need LFD despite being on a fairly dead realm myslef. People, my friends, want to play with me.

That’s what the MMORPG experience is about. That’s what you signed up for when you started playing Classic. That’s the experience that Blizzard is going to protect.

If you want a different experience, Dragonflgiht is there to offer that.

substantiate your claims

It’s common sense. If I left Pagle, and went to another server, I wouldn’t see a different experience because my perspective will not have changed. I will still find a guild that has like-minded people, just the same as if I were still on my original server.

yep correct just resubbed for classic (LK).

well you said you didn’t believe me, but if you’re not calling me a liar, then it’s safe to say I did ask and nope no alts.

Cool then you don’t have to worry about losing them to any RDF tool, see all good…
umm I signed up to play RSV an LK expansion just like I did when it came out with all the features it had all the way though if it the finder comes out when ICC comes out fine I can deal till then. see all works out your happy I’m happy…

why would I want Dragonflight if I want LK? you on something?

They’ll push and push and push, and the next thing you know you’re repeating yourself going “How can they not see”. It’s what they do.

This is just a hot-button topic right now. Both could care less, but if you see them in other threads you’ll see them using the same lines and circular logic.

I mean, my work schedule changed multiple times in the last few years. I found people to play with at all those times.

Sometimes the best way to find people and make connections is to do things they need, before you try and get your stuff done.

If you want to make friends you have to be the one who goes out of your way to build the relationship. Don’t just expect them to meet you and want to do w/e you want to do. Do their stuff as well.

Heck, one of the tanks I played with regularly before my work changed hours on me was a hunter main for classic and is now a pally tank for tbcc (horde so couldnt be pally u til tbcc). I did his hunter quest for him on random as he was asking in the hunter discord for help with the quests. I did it for him at no charge (I like doing that quest chain) and he was on my friends list since as I had told him if he ever has hunter questions he can ask me and I answered a lot of questions for him, showed him how to do things, including how to sneak past DM N for king solo, how to kill the “still hostile” trash after you kill king to sell tribute buff, exc. I wasn’t even expecting anything in return for it. He just decided for tbcc he was going to main a paladin tank, and he has run dungeons for me (and I’ve help him do dungeons as well) since then.

I know about 10 main tanks, 5 alt tanks and about 30 healers. Almost all of them (if not busy) would likely help me with something if I asked. And that is not including my current guild. I got them as friends from just helping people with 1 thing or another.

In classic I gave free dmt buffs to tanks and healers, I helped people with group quests regularly in classic and tbcc. I helped people get their sttunement done (when it still mattered). I’ve given consumes to people. Heck, this Tuesday me and a healer that I pugged did 5 n MgT (got locked out from instance cap) for rep. I gave him about 15 mana injectors so we could speed up and he wouldn’t need to drink as much.
I don’t have a lot of gold, because I give a lot of stuff away. Heck, I have 550 mana injectors that I farmed/bought mats and then crafted ready for my guilds healers for SWP. I farm a lot, but rarely do I seek to make a profit on it (just doing dailies usually gets me plenty of gold)

I’m not making it up there are never more than 8 - 15(rare) max level toons on the server when ever I’m on. *dungeons can be done but not as easy as it should be in a game, raids lolololol…

Great, thank you for supporting the game.

Never once called you a liar. Go ahead and quote where I did.

Wrong again, there’s other reasons that could cause my doubt. For instance, you could be mistaken, they themselves could be lying, etc. etc.

I’m not worried about anything. All of my arguments come from a game design perspective, one which Blizzard agrees with, hence the removal of LFD.

You didn’t do your research then. Directly after the announcement Blizzard talked about #SomeChanges. Classic Wrath will have #SomeChanges just as Classic TBC did. If you’re looknig to play the game exactly as it was Classic Wrath may not be what you’re looking for.

Because it has LFD and instant gratification that doesn’t require you to be social, make friends, or put in effort.

You’re wrong and common sense proves it: If the play experiences were truly the same, there would be no need for realm transfers and blizzard wouldn’t have milked thousands of dollars in character migration fees from you saps for buying them.

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I’m fine with rdf coming out when ICC comes out. But it definatly doesn’t belong in at launch (I would prefer no rdf at all, but I’m also for authentic experience, which is rdf coming with icc phase.)

Six quotes. In one sitting. I think he owes you rent now.

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You realize blizzard opened free realm transfers to get off of realms that are truly dead right?

So communicate with those you do play with and all if you can transfer to one of the free transfer realms.

You chosing to stay on a dead realm with FREE transfers is your own fault.

Tell me, why do people transfer servers?

did you or did you not say you didn’t believe me???

You asked all 15+ of them if they had alts and they all said no?

Sorry, I just don’t believe that. Do you have any proof? Screenshots or something?

wow now your calling all the others on the server liars now too, wow how rude…

well if you’re not worried about anything, then no worry RFD should not bug you, oh blizzard game design the one that took how many expansions and people complaints about borrowed powers, that blizzards design?

well seeing as there is a blue questioning the announcement in the CC (gold forums) seem even blizzard is wondering if it was the right move.

wow now your saying people playing DF are like that , you sure you have friends (now I’m not sure I believe you) but as you say not calling you a liar by saying I don’t believe you…