RDF Was Good For The Community

Idk how long you been on the forums but Bloomsday has been an ongoing joke for a year plus. He just ropes people in who don’t know his gimmick of circular logic that makes no sense.

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ya, but it was fun being in on the joke some… he stuff was so off the wall it was too much fun responding, but it’s prob bad to edge him on and ruin the thread.

Bloom just ignores me now for the most part after I kept linking his thread he made in the arena forums where he got clapped instantly. (His first trolling subsection he hit hard for months).

That. Was. Hilarious! Does he still go in the arena forum? I don’t think he does anymore.

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He does every now and then but gets ignored or lit up on sight (as you seen in the thread he made lol). I think he moved to these subs since no one really knew him. I’m just curious why he does not switch chars since he trolls as a part time job?

That’s the million dollar question. I know I made a complete butt of myself and I can never post on my other forum toon again. Probably a badge of trollery or something, having that many posts.

This was among one of the first toons I made so it’s been my main forums post since just about the forums existed.
Name was created by a friend of mine, from the gravflux spell in EQ…

(played from Vanilla - WOD, few months in BFA, then came back for BC launch for about 2 months, unsubbed for a bit then just resubbed when they announced LK classic).

Y’all can go on letting me live in your heads rent-free for a while.

See you in the next circle jerk-troll fest you guys decide to post.

and you are?

Like I said. Much much meaner.

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You do realize that people have alts, right?

So let me get this straight… instead of leveling a new character on a new realm more fitting for your very specific population desires, you decided to relevel on the same realm you’ve been complaining is dead?

So what did you do before LFD? Back in original Vanilla and TBC? And that’s great that retail expansions were for you, you may want to consider going back to them because Wrath Classic has cut its retail features.

Yup. Thankfully, Blizzard isn’t listening to those types of arguments.

I think we’re neighbors at this point. :joy:

at least whoever it was type something in english that time…

LoL. I recognized the words, but I’ve never seen them used in that particular order before.

yaaa more fun (windows all clean?)

but but if they are going to start a alt best to start on another server with more people (but your assuming they have a alt and you know what they say about assuming).

but but mah community you want me to leave them boo-hoo miss all my friends…

what did I do, well played on a server that had many of people online on that server all the time… (when that went south for some Bliz came up with cross realm you loved CRZ right)?

You two might want to get a room?

Unless they already have alts leveled on that server, which is pretty likely.

I’m not sure that these people are your friends if they refuse to group with you and prefer to group with other people. That doesn’t sound like a friend to me.

No, it’s intentional. The dude is a master troll, he knows how to push the limit without getting flagged for reports. The dude is probably the most professional wow forum troll ever to exist.

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I told them you asking if they had any alts ,they said they didn’t sorry…

oh I thought this was the same person I talked to before… sorry, might want to scroll up, shortage of spec (healing tanks not fair to eat up all their time, and different work times) PTO vacation boss etc etc… scroll up and start at the top and you should be up to speed in no time…

ehh I’ve seen much better, it’s way to obvious, but it’s like a magic 8 ball you kinda want to see what comes up next…

After tonight you’re probably the closest thing he has to a friend.

I believe #3 is about to tell you you’re wrong

It is obvious but the guy stays in character and has for a very long time. That’s what is impressive imo