RDF Was Good For The Community

I am kinda grateful he posted that Brian Twitter post, he’s getting nailed and rightly so by peoples comment even a better laugh than this thread, and he seem to be able to answer most people questions just ummm well ya that’s a problem we have to look into (Is he into politics in his spare time).

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Rampant misuse of character transfers are why we have dead realms and the fault for that falls on both the playerbase and Blizzard.

between that, paid name changes, paid boost blizzard greed does more to hurt the community than any group finders ever could.

You don’t know what playing on a dead server is really like if that is your standard.

what “community”? that’s all you people like to parrot. cross realm is what HELPS the low population “communities” that you seem to care so dearly for.

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No, the cross realm helps low populations more easily access content. It doesn’t help the community aspects of their realm.

Content does not equal community.

“it helps the community, but that isn’t the community i’m talking about.”

great thanks


I think this community word has multiple meanings to multiple people. I know, I engaged. Please tell me how I’m wrong now and it only means what you say it does.

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Again, ability to do content does not equal community.

I can currently solo almost any vanilla content on my tbcc character. Doesn’t mean the community is involved.

might as well be a solo player game then, if people keep leaving because they can’t do all the content (is a MMO and a game) that’s not really healthy for the community, if we all want to just stand around and chat Discord cheaper…

This isn’t true. What you’re talking about is a power dynamic the social elite like hold over others. It feels good to exclude people you dislike from your social circle.

Accountability in the game doesn’t exist outside of your guild, and often times guilds are toxic, misogynistic, racist, hell holes. There are very few guilds that have virtuous leaders. People are so addicted to the game that they’ll put up with it so long as they get a raid spot or a place at the table to get loot.

Server communities are a joke. Tick off the most powerful guild on your server for any reason sane or not sane, and you’ll have a bad time on that server. Mega servers are nice for this reason. It’s harder to exclude you from the game due to biased or false reasoning.

The accountability you’re talking about, is really just mob justice. Which is often ill informed and heavily biased. Anyone who talks about accountability in the game is out of touch with reality and doesn’t understand the nature of the real world. Or a sociopath that likes people to kiss their butt.


I mean, there is accountability per realm. Blacklists do exist. Yes there’s ways around it to a degree, but it does have an effect.

I’m not claiming its perfect, but it is a form of accountability through possible consequences for certain behaviors. There is a person on my current realm who used to run gdkp that noone will join his groups now after he took the pot after dst dropped and sold for 20k. Last I heard he was kicked from his guild as well because they didn’t want to be associated with him. He likely realm transfered.

“I heard of one bad experience in a raid with a person so nobody should be able to queue cross realm dungeons.”



You do realize chat logs and such are recorded and you can screenshot them right?

It’s not just a he said she said argument.

So show those logs of all your bad experiences. Convince us. Here’s your chance.

They are on my servers discord. You can search a person’s name and review what has been said (and if evidence is provided).

So… do it. I’d love to see your proof of repeated bad behavior by randos.

I want to believe you!

If you search the name “Naylea”
On whitemain horde discord server you will see 3 separate people having reported the person for cheating them of gold on paid boosts and not getting their full runs.

I’m not going to search through thousands of discord posts to find all of the names for people with issues, but I have given you one example.

one anecdotal example, shut it all down, one example.

so you have discord black lists, which is removed from the base WoW community, and are currently using discord community in place of a WoW in game one.
Are these lists personally curated or agreed upon by the discord community? if its just people blaming people sounds like salt and not community building, gatekeeping even.

I have no doubt that someone cheated someone for paid boosts. I have no doubt that someone stole a GDPK and ran. I’m sure they aren’t anomalies either. People generally stink.

That’s two people from your community that are responsible for bad things. It sounds like you and your server dealt with them appropriately for theft. That’s how a server should work. I’ve known lots of people who acted badly over the years and got appropriate mob justice from the server.

I’m just not sure how stealing 20k from people is even on the same page as someone acting a fool in dungeon finder. I have never been so wronged in a dungeon finder that a server needed to take action. Stuff like that usually happens in Raids where gold and ninja’d items get taken, and those people never get invited back.

How much damage could possible occur from a 5 man Gundrak?