RDF threads =

You knew perfectly well what I meant, stop cherry picking posts and twisting.

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Its not one troll, the posts have been going on for a while now, and no not trolls either.

i love how they let harassment go wildly unattended too yet, whew, so glad they just randomly locked 90% of what that idiot posted on without paying attention to the fact they were locking active threads as well.


There isn’t really a “situation” here. Devs gave us their answer, the world continues to rotate, the population remains steady in Classic.

The people who sleep on the park benches and wake up in the dead of night to scream in the middle of the road may be a bit uncomfortable to be around, but that’s basically all this is.

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They ARE Blizzard employees.

That’s the same argument people used for years before classic became a thing. The wall of no, Blizzard said there were no plans for re-releasing old versions of the game. Yet, here we are, they ended up making classic a thing.

Should people have given up the first, second, tenth time Blizzard said that Classic won’t happen?


If it’s not any more clear from the recent Community Council live chat that they aren’t considering RDF I don’t know what is. I recommend finding other ways to do whatever it is you were planning to do with RDF.

Perhaps you can come up with some other ideas on how to make the existing leveling system work better. Seems a lot more productive.

I don’t know, this seems pretty clear to me too

And anyway, people have come up with an idea that solves the debate, RDF servers, just like how we have fresh servers where there are no lvl 70 boosts. Everyone playing wotlk right now won’t see their experience change, and people who enjoy using RDF get to play the game as it was back then.


Gonna be a no from me dawg.

Every day it doesn’t get added is another day I get to be happy some clown somewhere is crying about not having it.

And here is the hall moniter we all love.

You people and your Let me tell you drama are worse than the actual people making said threads.

Carry on feeling better I guess

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Yes splitting the playerbase up sounds like a really great idea, even though they have very specifically said they want to avoid that as much as possible.

Anyway, literally nothing you are posting is relevant because it all came from a decade ago. Most of those people are gone, and the Classic version of the game has a completely different vision.

The Dungeon Finder and server based solutions are here to say.

If you’d like your protest to be taken seriously, stop giving Blizzard your money and go to a private server and play the game as you like it.

hmm seems like that would be splitting the player base as well… circle logic at its finest to cover the … we dont like you go away response.


Shrug, you can say what you like but the only way to get them to listen to you is by voting with your dollars. I’d prefer everyone use the existing tools in the game but if you feel like the only way it’s possible to enjoy the game is by using RDF, then put your money where your mouth is.

No RDF is superior for level 80 content, suggesting otherwise is comical. 1-70 i can get on board.

Go back to retail you can instant que and boot people who say a word you don’t like all day long

Lol “muh freeeedom of speech!”

Only protects you from having your rights revoked for what you say. Doesn’t mean anyone has to listen.


Sounds like what you’re doing.

This thread doesn’t bring up anything new (or anything really) on the subject.

Muting thread.

Not going to retail, both my accounts go when i go. Not paying blizzard another dime, if we do have the ORGINAL wrath, by icc.


That works for them, now. When the servers are dead, guess they have something to be proud of?

  1. They won’t be dead.
  2. RDF tourists will be gone.

That’s a win-win.