No its not, we’re talking about RDF exclusive rewards.
Not loot that is available within a dungeon or raid.
In this case, for RDF rewards, that it is the content.
The content is doing w/e RDF heroics through the RDF system for the reward.
That is the content tied to the reward.
Could be…but imo they we’re all full of hot air.
Toxic people gonna toxic.
Like, where’s all the outrage over the announcement from the anti-RDF folk?
Werent they supposed to quit the game, move to Canada or some crap?
“I don’t want to run it”. The mindset they can have.
Okay…don’t run it. Simple solutions to simple issues. How this game (and most of MMO’s really) work…carrots on sticks. Want the carrot follow the stick.
I’d have empathy but I am pvp focused. Some pve carrots on sticks I follow. Others…I say I don’t really want that carrot and I don’t follow it.
I have pve needed for pvp kind of a bad idea. BUt…I do it when its needed and jsut move on after.
A pet. That lets be honest many won’t run, if run many would not care to notice it…and gives no real benefit.
Wow pokemon comes later. Mop, Right? There pets matter, imo.
They can be fun diversions for XP gainers (pet battles can get nice xp to spice up leveling), you can make some gold too as at level cap there are weeklies and such for paying events.
Or the pets are much cooler, imo. I will admit to liking my demon kitty pet in retail.
ITs not even a future imba issue. this pet isn’t on any top 10 pet list for pet battles.
For those who left after wrath…pet battles to come has had some balance issues. Some pets are must haves for “iwin” reasons, others are nice to haves since good fillers for the pet rotation.
And others, like perky pug…are about as useful as the balloon pet for a quest in Org/SW in time. That is to say…completely useless.