RDF question

At least read the thread first.

The proper analogy is if they introduced LFR and Thunderfury/Invincible was only available through LFR, not the regular raid.


That isn’t going to make your idea any better.

No its not, we’re talking about RDF exclusive rewards.
Not loot that is available within a dungeon or raid.

In this case, for RDF rewards, that it is the content.
The content is doing w/e RDF heroics through the RDF system for the reward.
That is the content tied to the reward.

Could be…but imo they we’re all full of hot air.
Toxic people gonna toxic.
Like, where’s all the outrage over the announcement from the anti-RDF folk?
Werent they supposed to quit the game, move to Canada or some crap?

They were just hatin’.

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The reward for not taking true random RDF would be not getting dungeons not liked.

The reward to RDF true random is to bait taking that say…occulus.

Not many like it here. True rng RDF will see this pop and go sigh…lets do this. And thus, their reward.

We all have places we hate. RDF will send you there. Now with rewards for not deserting the pull lol.

Those who don’t use RDF true random will get an occulus free night. If that was desired, that is your reward.

I did this all through SL in its lFD. Calling up for bastion, I only qeue’d its 2 dungeons.

NO lfd reward. But my actual reward was not seeing TS or ToP at all. I did not like these places. Not seeing them was truly a reward.

The perky pug is a funny cosmetic reward, like it’s literally in the name that it’s for pugging, I’m not seeing the issue.

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“I want to get the rewards without using the thing the rewards come from”

sure thing, and I want the rusted proto-drake but I don’t expect to just do normal 10m Ulduar and get it without doing the achievement.

Same thing.

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People are complaining about a cosmetic pet.

Talk about a ridiculous stretch.

Read posts.

Literally the exact same argument. You’ve added nothing.

Except there simply aren’t any major or even minorly significant rewards from RDF.


What is and isn’t majorly or minorly significant is entirely subjective.

Not really when it can be compared to other equivalent rewards.

Any reward is a problem to some.

“I don’t want to run it”. The mindset they can have.

Okay…don’t run it. Simple solutions to simple issues. How this game (and most of MMO’s really) work…carrots on sticks. Want the carrot follow the stick.

I’d have empathy but I am pvp focused. Some pve carrots on sticks I follow. Others…I say I don’t really want that carrot and I don’t follow it.

I have pve needed for pvp kind of a bad idea. BUt…I do it when its needed and jsut move on after.

Sure but in a pve game it’s expected you’ll pve sometimes.

I’m waiting for someone to explain what massive rewards are only available from pugging RDF.

A pet. That lets be honest many won’t run, if run many would not care to notice it…and gives no real benefit.

Wow pokemon comes later. Mop, Right? There pets matter, imo.

They can be fun diversions for XP gainers (pet battles can get nice xp to spice up leveling), you can make some gold too as at level cap there are weeklies and such for paying events.

Or the pets are much cooler, imo. I will admit to liking my demon kitty pet in retail.

They’re really reaching to find any complaint about rdf. Oh no, you have to do a random dungeon once a day for a few weeks for a vanity pet.

Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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You’re really reaching to ignore every reply I’ve made saying forget the Perky Pug, it’s about the mount and other rewards.

You’re also trying to make it out that I don’t want RDF.

How come I have to do AV for the stormpike battle charger?

No fair!!!

ITs not even a future imba issue. this pet isn’t on any top 10 pet list for pet battles.

For those who left after wrath…pet battles to come has had some balance issues. Some pets are must haves for “iwin” reasons, others are nice to haves since good fillers for the pet rotation.

And others, like perky pug…are about as useful as the balloon pet for a quest in Org/SW in time. That is to say…completely useless.

This would be relevant if you could only get the Stormpike Battle Charger by getting AV by queuing Random BGs.

But again you ignored this. Again.