What level range will rdf be open to? From memory it was about level 15 - 80? Or 12-80?
I guess we’ll find out when it comes to the PTR.
It was 15-80 all inclusive in the original WotLK.
We won’t know till it hits the PTR cause they’re their usual vague selves when it comes to announcing stuff.
I would assume 15-80 with Normal Heroic, I do not expect to see Heroic+ in it and to be honest I wouldn’t care if they add them or not.
If its not minimum 15-80 with normal heroic, I’ll be pissed not gonna lie.
That the problem with their vagueness, altho I’m relatively certain they don’t even know yet.
There’s no reason Titan Forged couldn’t be part of RDF though since it came with an ilvl requirement originally for the ICC 5 mans and those are as hard as Beta dungeons are.
Mythics aren’t necessary once RDF is in. You can just do regular Heroics to grind Emblems.
But no chance Blizz will remove their little crappy creation from Wrath Classic. So not sure how it’s going to work.
Many like me have even said it be fine to keep it out.
Retail side I was fine with mythic being lfg only. If one wanted even mythic 0, go lfg that. That to me can carry over to here as well imo.
who farms emblems!? sidereals is where its at.
Given how there is a massive power difference between a 15 and a 20, I’d always wait for a few levels to get a few extra greens prior to going into dungeons.
Deadmines are going to be painful that’s for sure.
Like, when I was leveling all my warriors, I always waited for double hit Revenge prior to going into any dungeons.
But either way, i’m excited to dust off some alts and start another druid and warrior. Leveling as RestoDru and Prot Warr via dungeons is mad fun imho.
Getting that 60 pvp set is so juicy for early outlands. And then, most fun for me at least, getting actual cool dungeon full sets, regardless of stats, and gemming it up.
For warrior, it’s this set: And just gem it full Stamina
For (any spec) Paladin it’s this set:
For like Priest or Mage, you go after this set:
I hope its EVERYTHING!
Including the Heroic+s; Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.
deadmines is 16+ to not aggro the boat so you dont want to be there tanking at level 12…
People who played the original who got their raid loot in raids.
All you need to concern yourself with is that dungeon spamming on reg heroic is fun; which is…
Why I worry that they may go out of their way to protect their + systems and cripple lvl 80 Heroic.
I still don’t trust them and like I said, I’ll believe it when I see it.
If they keep the stupid bags in and leave the + system out of RDF that’d just prove without a doubt they really don’t have any idea what’s going on.
Which is why it’ll likely happen exactly like that.
I am thinking right now of all the Gifs that express how all the mage bots feel right now
Basically Smaug atop their mountain of gold?
Well, I am also wondering what they will put it. If they do not include alpha, beta, etc then how will those who don’t need regular heroics get the perky pug? So (and this is a huge guess lol) I think maybe it will include them. If they don’t though you will probably see a decent surge of players just queueing for the pet. Unless they tie the pet to another method, maybe just an achievement for completing x dungeons idk.
I know for myself if it’s only heroic I would prob just hop on my pally who doesn’t need anything and spam dungeons just for the pet. I am excited to do some early-level dungeons while I quest. Either way, I look forward to the PTR and see what else is to come.
I do have fond memories of spamming dungeons with friends back in the day for fun. We always left one slot open for a random person to join in our shenanigans.
Also hoping for Sidereal+ essence. 3 per crusader orb = 3 per Primordial saronite? Yes pls.
They’ve had almost a year to do this after promising they’d find a way, I think we can safely assume this isn’t hapening
If we don’t get some alternate way of getting Primordials we’re going to wind up getting /pity removed too. Cause we’re gonna have to spam that at everyone who tries to get Shadowmourne.