RDF question

Primordials wont be the bottleneck. Its only week 8 and I have enough left over badges after buying everything I want to buy about 10 crusader orbs. So I imagine with ICC I alone have 10 saronites covered. The guilds collectively together will have enough to get everyone started on the quest to get the axe prior to shadowmourne.

OK but you need 25 to start the quest line before you can start gathering fragments.

Primordials are very much the bottleneck to start getting fragments dropping. The 1000 souls you need to gather can be done in 10 man or in a rep grind.

If your guild is giving up all of their tier gear to feed 1 person a Shadowmourne I don’t think you’re doing it right.

Yes, that’s true that primordials are the bottle neck to start getting fragments. Primordials wont be the bottleneck for getting Shadowmourne.

You can’t speed up fragment gathering beyond doing some voodoo or something which I doubt’d work so primordials are the only real bottleneck.

You can technically get a single fragment on week 1 with planning and a lot of patience from your raid, most folks won’t start till week 2-4.

Right, thats why its the bottleneck. One person should be getting fed primordials from drops and some guild members spending their week 1 badges on primordials to get the fragments going. And by like week 5, all of your rets/warriors/dks that want the precursor axe to shadowmourne should have or be close to having it ready to go.

So really, everyone should have the precursor weapon to shadowmourne before your first shadowmourne is created.

Ergo, primordials are not the bottleneck. It’s like we’re saying the same thing but arguing for the sake of arguing.

This has always been my one and only issue with RDF, rewards that are exclusive to it and it only.
The main pro-RDF argument used against anti-RDFers is to just not use it which is completely valid if there are no rewards that are exclusive to only RDF. Perky Pug, Blue Drake mount, etc even so far as extra Justice/Valor Points in Cata.

In fact any rewards should be to incentivize people to do dungeon groups the traditional way while people who do not care for those rewards just use RDF for the quick easy access.

They’re not a bottleneck for subsequent Shadowmournes. But they definitely are for the first one.

This entitlement. ‘I don’t want to have to do random heroics for a month to earn a useless vanity pet.’ Players will be doing their daily heroic anyway for 2 frost emblems. If you’re grouped with 4 randoms each time, 25 days later you have your pug.

Or you could bang it out in a couple days if you wanted to just run a bunch of Randoms.

Without RDF the pet wouldn’t even be in the game, so you wouldn’t be missing out on anything.

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And because of RDF the Blue Drake isn’t in the game at all right now.

The Blue Drake originally dropped off of Malygos 10 player while the Azure Drake dropped off of 25 player. When RDF was added to Wrath the Azure Drake was added to 10 player as well and the Blue Drake was moved to the cache at the end of Oculus only from RDF. Now that we’re in Wrath Classic the Blue Drake just isn’t even in the game because of that change.

The whole point is if the argument for RDF is that those who don’t want it can just choose to not use it, there shouldn’t be any rewards (useless is entirely subjective) that are exclusive to only using it.

I want RDF, and I’ll probably use it. But I don’t want to be forced to use it because it’s the only way to earn something in the game.

Isn’t there lots of “only way to earn it” in the game?

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to be fair, i dont think that was with the original RDF. People kept abandoning Occulus so they changed it to encourage positive player behavior. Players need rewards to use systems, not fun.

Not even remotely the same thing.

“Only ways to earn it” should be limited to the content itself, not the way in which you entered such content.
If the examples I used were for completing the dungeon/heroic in general RDF or otherwise there wouldn’t be an issue.

This is true, but that was an issue for Oculus as a whole, not for RDF.
I’m just saying if someone went and just did Oculus normally they should have been eligible to receive the same possible reward.

Edit: quoted the wrong part of your response

RDF brought many exclusive things.
1% damage buff, healing buff, damage mitigation per random player. So if everyone queued solo, the group got 5%, if a 4 man just needed one more to fill you got 2%.

Leveling RDF gave bonus blue class specific loot bag and XP bonus, heroic RDF gave 2 free lower-tier badges after the first one of the day (the first one granting the higher-tier badge replaced the daily quest)

They need to keep the conveyor churning. Lobbies always need to be filled. All the dungeons all the time. And you get that done with rewards. Want a chance at that drake? Keep queuing every day to have a shot at it. Keep that wheel going!

The entire incentive was supposed to be ease of access of doing the dungeons.

No, in order for RDF to work, you need people to queue. If people aren’t queuing, then DPS queues get long and people get unhappy. So you add more rewards, you add incentives for tanks or healers to fill to get that going.

The rewards arent there for you, its there to keep players coming through the door. Once everyone gets their perky pug, they need to add more.

The grindable awards are to keep experienced people coming back who have to scratch their collection farming to hold the hand of the casual player who is just visiting azeroth.

Then add the same rewards to forming groups the traditional way.
If RDF is as popular as it appears to be on the forums, a very small number of players who choose to not use it won’t affect anything.

That’s not the purpose of the awards. The purpose is give something for players who cant form their own groups something to do. The reward isnt for doing the content, its for doing the content with random people.

You log into the game, do a specific “task” to earn a reward.
Same thing.
I feel like you’re splitting hairs here.

I dont think she is. The perky pug isnt a reward for doing 100 heroics, its for doing 100 heroics with RDF. She is saying that RDF can be a tool to help you grind your 100 heroics, but it shouldnt be required.

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Then no reward should have been possible if you make a full 5 man and que RDF. Yet they were. Perky Pug was the only reward tied to it specifically being other players. All of the other rewards I mentioned, Blue Drake, bonus PvE points etc, could all be obtained with a full 5 man that isn’t actually contributing to the RDF player pool.