RDF Pros & Cons

This is literally the only issue I have with RDF.

No accountability via server reputation.
No chance of continued play with players you enjoyed grouping with as you’re on different servers.
Anonymity is not good for a social game such as an MMO.


I was sitting here thinking about which dungeons you could skip and this was the only one I could think about. The rest were completely linear.

It was added that late because they weren’t finished developing it yet lol this is common knowledge. They recognized the problem as early as 3.1. That problem being that the hardest part of the game was getting some idiot to take your off meta class to an easy dungeon instead of waiting for another carry.


I tend to agree. If it was locked to a realm I would be totally fine with that. That being said, if they’re going to realm lock RDF then they would need to limit the amount of servers available to keep them vibrant and active.

You’re delusional.


Yeah the servers are a mess, but that’s why they are closing servers and giving free xfers.

This game is already anonymous I have no idea who you are. You like somebody? Why can’t you add them on battle net or discord? It’s 2022 bro

Then you can be super stoked that those godawful players won’t be grouping with your Majesty if they implement it.

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You can’t raid / pvp / quest / screw around with someone via a battletag in classic

And? You can make a character on their server or you can. Here’s a crazy idea. Just be social? Is that not what you’re pretending to want to do?

Amazing how complicated the problem gets and the hoops you need to jump through to justify your reasoning when locking it the the server fixes everything.

Such a retail mindset. That’s why WoW is no longer a true MMO.

How is that a complicated problem? You can literally socialize. It’s very simple. You guys are hilarious. Nobody is ever going to go back to 2007 we’re all hanging out in discord man. Half the people in our group are usually not even on the same game and yet we can hang out and talk while some play WoW and others play league or whatever.


You cant be serious. You’re using a thread from the final patch of legion? A few months before BFA launched? Get real. These are not comparable at all and you should feel bad.

Also a thread from the first DAYS of Shadowlands where fresh 60’s couldn’t do dungeons because their Ilevel was too low for them?

In case you missed it, we’re talking about Wrath. Not Last patch Legion or First week Shadowlands. Good grief


You literally cannot socialise in the game world with people from random servers in RDF. Oh just level a character on there server you say? What if another person I play with is on a different server again? Just level another character? Lol your argument is flawed.

I don’t want to level characters to play with random RDF players that I found somewhat decent to play with for whatever reason. I want to play my character and in doing so meet other players in MY GAME WORLD that I can continue to play with. If I meet a good tank, healer, dps or just someone thats fun to play with I want the opportunity to add them to friends and do other dungeons, raids etc with them.

On the other hand if I meet bad players or toxic players I want to be able to choose to avoid them.


Seems like the modern Btag system should be added to Wrath then IMO

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If you wouldn’t think there will be queues you’re delusional.

Do you think RDF suddenly brings a surplus of tanks and healers into the world all of a sudden? That there will be capable and willing tanks for the masses of lazy players whining for RDF?


You literally aren’t socializing with anyone in the game world anyway. People are sitting in shattrath on discord and saying gg Ty at the end of the run at most. You can chat on bnet regardless.

People in 2022 don’t hang out and chat on WoW. We hang out in discord. There’s nothing at all stopping you from making friends but you don’t want to make friends you want someone to carry you.


they just want it like the carbot animation, where the claw picks them up and puts them on a conveyor belt into the dungeon. Never leaving town, just afk watching youtube until the queue pops forever and ever


It lowered the sense of community in the sense that you paired up with people that you would and could never see again.

But that could be easily fixed now by just allowing cross realm grouping for dungeons/raids. The tech exists, it’s built into the servers, it’s just switched off.

And that harmed community is no worse than player tendency to gather on mega servers in classic as a work around to the fact that we can’t group cross realm, so people go where the most people are.

The only other major con is that it got future dungeon content nerfed and locked into the 30 min run design to support random pick up play.

There’s really no good reason to leave it out now. You can’t force people to be a community when player behavior has changed so much since the first time these games launched.

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You are avoiding my point because you know I’m right. You can’t do anything with players from other realms in classic, hence why they introduced the ability to play across servers in retail. That fix doesn’t work for classic so server lock is a must.