RDF or no RDF - Same outcome, who cares?

This was a great discussion, but I think it can go further.

RDF people are destroying the social fabric of the game. that is what some say.

You’re just here to try and fuel the fire on a post that’s already dead.

Hush you

This is bad gameplay.

This is an MMORPG not CoD if you want instant gratification and quick matches try retail or a FPS game.

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Nah what destroyed it is social media evolving and getting more advance and better overall, back in 2004-2008 there wasn’t a lot of way for people to truly interact with other online at the same level as MMORPG like WoW did and they could do it while playing a game, it was a “New” thing.

Now people uses sites like Twitter, Twitch, Youtube and so on to “Socialize” or use Discord and so on, people no longer want to speak with random people in random pug they have guilds or IRL friends for that.

Making “friends” in random pugs isn’t truly a common thing by what I experienced at all however making friends after joining a guild make more sense to me since you gonna see the same people speak in guild chat all the time and etc so in a way this LFG tool isn’t better than RDF to socialize or make friends.

RDF is the worst thing to ever happen to wow. It causes lag spikes and encourages toxic behavior.

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Preach this louder for the people in the back.

The “social aspect” of WoW, both retail and classic, is DEAD and has been dead for ages. With the exception of guilds, and even then most of the talking is done on Discord, not in the game.

Anti-RDF posters keep going on about “muh social experiences” like they haven’t been reduced to spamming LFG chat for their brief interactions with other people. These “interactions” are so creepy and pathetic that you have to wonder what would happen if they actually went outside and interacted with real human people without a keyboard.

RDF didn’t create lag spikes or toxic behavior, the COMMUNITY did. In the era of greedy players and gatekeeping, Blizzard only enabled this behavior more and more. Now look at all the hoops you need to jump through in Retail to get a basic Mythic+ group, and it’s beginning to spread to classic in GearScore and “Full BiS only for Naxx 10” type posting.

The problems Anti-RDF people bring up are not problems with the Tool, or lack there-of, its community issues that people can only solve if they improve themselves, and it seems that no one wants to do that in this day and age.


I don’t think that’s entirely true.

I made a load of friends running classic vanilla dungeons.

But I think group finders and the GDKP culture and level boosts all in concert taken together erode that and attract a certain type of player. Death by a thousand cuts.

The damage has been done though and I don’t see making it cross realm or not really changing that at this point.

I should have been able to guess that antiRDF trolls don’t actually play Classic, but this is pretty solid proof.

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So what you’re saying is if someone annoys you you’re immediately against what they want just to spite them for annoying you.

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Even in original wrath when my computer and internet were worse than I have today I didn’t have any lag spikes. You need to get better internet and a better computer.

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You can get an invite quickly now because there’s a ton of players running heroics. If you played the last several months of TBC, you’d know this wasn’t the case. I would go several evenings listed in the LFG tool without getting an invite. Once most folks are geared and raid logging, it won’t be so easy finding a pug.


Almost full p1 bis and ready for ulduar race.

Lfg tool is dope.

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Ulduar is destroying the community.

I just want to apologize for this thread. I am ageist so I didn’t it judge it by the wrinkles but by it’s content.

I accept your apology on behalf of the community that RDF is destroying

Who cares? We obviously do. You don’t have to take a side and the fact that you don’t care makes your entire post pointless… we want RDF. There is no good reason why it’s not in the game… instead we got some new jank system.



Also, read the OP, not just the title.

@OP: Thank you for pointing out the reality that these people try to avoid - that you can still list yourself for things and just pretend it’s RDF. Group leaders get to decide who they’re inviting, people that don’t care who they’re grouping with and just want to passively be invited to things can do just that. It really is that simple. Everyone wins except for people that just can’t stop complaining because it’s not exactly what they want. LFG is a good system whether you like it or not - though it could use some improving in some areas (such as blocking out dungeons you’re locked out of).

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I did. What I said stands.


Completely falls apart if you actually did bother reading it, but you’re one of the people that just likes to complain all the time, so I’ll let you have at it since that’s what you enjoy. Best of luck.


Your opinion. Enjoy your safe space.

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