RDF Not Coming Confirmed

More like

LF3 DPS, no Plate DPS, No Hunters or Enahnce shamans, No rogues or Feral Druids

That will be the LFG chat


You forgot Frozen Orb res, all blues/greens res, selling [insert prebis item here] 1k. PST

Major copium, like freebasing epic quality hopium there. You be smoking retail warcrack too long, sorry hun but classic got no looking for dungeon. Retail does and twice as many dungeons to choose from. There is no vanilla replay. Just classic and retail, choose your side and play the game that has or exludes the features you want, plain and simple. You are not the classic community, you are retail shills.


This is really good to hear! Nothing on these forums or in this game is worth anyone’s mental health. <3

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Making the game less fun will bite them in the end. It was never going to last. Cataclysm isn’t going to happen if they have only financials in mind (not enough player interest to be financially viable). Be ready for unlimited 70 boosts so they can cash grab before the end.

yep, and soon all those tanks will be complaining that DPS ninja’s their off spec gear

Sweet as summer, Piezuri.

They’ve already had people explicitly say RDF isn’t in Wrath. Some people still haven’t accepted that which is what this PSA is geared towards – those last few that still are unaware of the current trajectory.

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This is how you do ninja stuff right? I am not embrrasing myself?

The best thing about the new Gatekeeping Finder is that Tanks will want to gatekeep by not having competition for plate/leather/tank/dps gear, and healers will want to gatekeep by not inviting clothies.

Basically the Gatekeeping Finder’s Listings will be full of tanks with 3 cloth dps LF healer,
and a Healer with melee dps LF tanks. Ha ha ha… ya love to see it.


As a pro rdf guy I’m absolutely willing to concede these few things

  • same server
  • no rewards
  • no auto tele

Just let me hit the button and quest while you sort out my group for me. That’s literally all I want.


The retail andys are not gonna be happy but you are right OP. RDF is not coming and is not needed.


You are the definition of a retail andy.

I’ve never played retail so please explain how that works…

I can’t wait it’s gonna be great.

Even better than that, I can reserve all gear even dps gear as a tank, between me and the healer. We’ll gear out 2 specs each at once and dps will still come crawling and begging for even just badges, they’re lucky to even get to go muahaha :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

I’ll even take the unused gear the off armor type dps wants and vendor it, becuase it’ll go towards buying a dmf card :black_joker::moneybag::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

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they just could meld lfg ui with rdf ui like this:

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This one gets a bookmark for the obvious backflip that will happen.

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You are creating issues just to get RDF.

  • After few weeks there aren’t a lot of players who are gonna do dungeons for specifics items. We are gonna do dungeons for emblems. Because P1 raids are easy as hell (easy gear) and don’t require to be full BiS
  • Finding tanks won’t be a huge problem anymore because of dual spec + ton of DKs
  • People won’t ask meta specs/groups for WOTLK dungeons they are easy/faceroll + most of the classes are good.

I don’t care anymore if they add RDF or not. But, you are exaggerating about a lot of things just to get a feature.

Players aren’t min/maxing for Scarlet Monestay why would they for WOTLK dungeons ? It’s about the same level of difficulty.


If a tank and healer work together for this it’s even more hilarious of an obstacle for Blizzard to overcome - We’ll have Tanks and Healers gear up so quickly that they won’t need to run dungeons ever again for any reason (just get your badges from solo dailies instead), and then the tank and healer shortage will grow to astronomical extents.

Either way the game collapses and will be unplayable. Blizzard really thought ahead;)

WTB dungeon run!

You can bypass the massive gatekeeping by just paying gold to join a group. It already happens in TBCC. It’ll be much worse in Wrath. Another reason why bots are ecstatic dungeon finder is removed. More need for players to buy gold.

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