RDF missing dungeons?

Jk, I exited client and relogged. I can Q WOTLK now…. But still no BC. The LFG bulletin board that we had before, the level windows were just fine for the dungeons

What’s even more annoying is that you can’t queue for a specific dungeon if they aren’t in your random dungeon pool.

My level 36 mage has been sitting in the queue for a SM Library group since I was able to get the quest at level 31. 8+ hours in dungeon finder and never found a group. Now I’m level 36 I can’t even queue for SM library any more. Even though the end boss is only 2 levels lower than me.


my level 70 doesn’t have Nexus available ,what level do you have to be to do Reg Nex now ? from the starting area to get the quest takes you from 68 to 70.

Edit ,I finally was offered Nex at 71.


Seems lowbie dungeons have a lot of issues. I never got satchels in BFD even when doing all bosses, never got an Uldaman satchel either even in a run where people would actually do all the bosses.

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needs fixed, barely usable at lower lvls

blue post??


It is missing dungeons at certain levels. Right now my 33 Druid can only queue for SM: Library, but I should be able to queue for Gnomeregan, SM: Graveyard, Razorfen Downs, and SM: Armory.

Here’s a list of all the dungeons and their accessible levels via the dungeon finder during 3.3.5, dated August 16, 2010:


This is a great find. Not returning until this is fixed. It was the only reason to play.


Yeah, how hard would it have been to implement this correctly? With any amount of proper testing, this should have been caught before implemented.


When you first get Sunken Temple available, you’re too low of a level to accept and turn in the essence of eranikus quest, which is especially annoying since you had to do the Sunken Temple to get it. It requires level 48, but it had me do it at 47.


Yes and same. My 15 druid can only do ragefire chasm. My 15 hunter can do deadmines, and ragefire caverns. What gives.

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Tfw private servers can get rdf correct but not blizz lol


Small indy company. That is blizzard for yah.


Guys relax. it’s a new feature we haven’t seen before I’m sure they’ll get the kinks out once they have more information.


Did some testing over the weekend. Leveled a healer to 18, still 1 hour queues. Then leveled a tank to 15, queued with a healer. Sat in the queue for an hour before giving up.

Something is seriously wrong with RDF at low levels.


I’ve been in RDF queue for over 20 minutes as a tank at level 61. It seems off.

I don’t know if it’s randomly bugging out or if there aren’t that many people using it randomly at certain level ranges. Sometimes my queue was nearly instant in some level brackets and other times it’s super long.

If it’s not bugged and there just aren’t that many people using it at times, that would be another reason to adjust the level ranges of various dungeons. You also may want to make normal vanilla random queue still available for low 60s or something.

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This level bracket is notorious for having long queues for tanks because it’s the first dungeons that freshly made death knights can queue for. Try queuing as a healer and see if anything changes.

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Is anyone aware of a blue post on this issue? This is clearly broken and wondering if they are tracking it.

It not be an issue now, imo.

Tbc(c) had nax twinks boosting, yes. I’d say most have have moved on. hell at this point if they farmed 100% twink sett by now its time to realize it isn’t coming.

and now it be for free. So really a non issue for the few 60 naxx twinks left. The twink is making scholo/strath easier. Oh no!

Worst this would see is some like me who get the 60 pvp set on 60 ding. Not a big deal there either. The level 56 tank might just have to accept the 61 ret paladin off of pvp set stamina is competing for best HP bar lol.

Try solo dps for 1-3 min queues

Blizzard please address this.