RDF (LFG Tool)

Not everyone can start their own group, most people have to try to find other groups because that’s how the system works, if everyone is starting their own group, no one will be available to invite.

It’s just not a good answer to the problem.

It was a filler patch as blizzard was still working on cata.

Notice major content patches for wotlk were 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

3.3.5 was not a major content patch, otherwise it would have been listed as 3.4

3.3.5 was mostly a bug fix and balance patch, sprinked with a side of filler.

Thank you so much for filling me on on what a patch is! I already said as much an hour ago, but thanks so much.

I never claimed it was good, bad or anything other than 3.3.0 was not the last patch.

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You’re never in the situation where 100% of the people looking to do a dungeon all make their own group. And you can still browse groups while yours is listed.

You’re going to the extreme to make an argument here but you will never see that extreme.

If time to find a group is long when applying to groups you list your own group. If everyone is listing groups and has open spaces then applying to groups will not be a long wait.

Doesn’t account for people who just don’t like making groups, you make a group, you’re seen as the lead, people don’t want that.

There’s this thing, that was put in the game to alleviate all that… back in ICC, might be called LFD, maybe RDF? Mythical thing.

Trying to start your own group as a DPS is no different than trying to join a group.

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As a tank who pugs, I am always given lead at the start of the dungeons I join.

My experience forming groups on LFG contradicts this.


No duh it’s easy for a tank.

I don’t understand what you’re saying here.

You don’t know the difference between DPS and tank?

I play more than one spec and character.

See dps now!

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Second to last content patch. Ruby sanctum was basically the last content latch and they had a couple other balancing passes in there. This information is available you can look this up, you know.


That type of gameplay doesn’t gel well with the Classic franchise. That’s more aligned with retail’s gameplay.

LFD isn’t going to be in Wrath, so not only do I not have to use it, but I can’t use it at all.

You are considering RS content?


It’s a raid and it doesn’t change the fact that Bloomers was wrong again despite this info being readily available to anyone who looks.

I have played since the launch of Classic WoW, the dungeons groups I have been in and finished and I really rarely see that person again (I have played on Pagle).

As for the social aspect, I rarely see random chatter in my dungeon groups.

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Would you mind quoting for me any of his posts where he said he wants store mounts and boosts?

Over the years, I’ve always looked at a different graph that was posted on MMO Champion a very long time ago. That graph never actually showed any dip in subscriber count during Wrath’s lifetime. It was also the only graph I ever saw reputable sources citing when talking about the sub counts over WoW’s history.

Here it is: https://i.imgur.com/2TTbGgF.png

That being said, the notion that the sub count has anything to do with dungeon finder is totally unfounded. It doesn’t seem to matter which side of the discussion we’re on, trying to glean any wisdom about dungeon finder from the sub counts seems pointless.

That’s the thing, we don’t need to stick to non-Wrath Classic to play the game without dungeon finder. At least for now. Though I highly doubt people will actually quit the game if it’s implemented.

I get that saying “go play Retail” is generally used as a dismissive insult, but it’s genuinely the solution when we’re talking about people who refuses to play WoW without it. They could end up reverting their decision on implementing it in Wrath, but so far they haven’t wavered under what pressure they’ve faced. That being said, generally speaking, I think the people threatening to cancel their subs are beggars, not choosers. If they need dungeon finder to enjoy WoW and it’s not going to be in the game, they should play the game that has the feature they need.

Many people here seem to care more about the feature itself than the content.

Why not? I thought the main goals were to make it easier to level your characters and to find groups on dead realms? So many people want to talk about how important dungeon finder it for the leveling experience and to trivialize boosting (which it wouldn’t), and how does it not accomplish those things in Retail?

A: retail sucks (and nothing to do with any finders) you do have one point right, it’s a Dismissive insult.

And people on badly populated server only have 1 of 3 options, only play part of the game, pay blizzards extortion fee for a problem they let happen with paid server transfers or just quit.

Nothing good or bad with can be proven with it then, it was one other and the (great hero of RFD) that bright it up in the first place about hurting subs (he got his dates wrong on when it dropped).

It’s generally used as a dismissive insult. But in the context I’m referring to, it’s an actual solution.

I mean, re-rolling is also a thing.

Though I’d agree, there isn’t much solace for people on dead realms. The way Blizzard has handled population distribution and faction balance has been utterly shameful.6

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