RDF isn't coming to WotLK

I’ve played ret for all of classic (I played horde in OG so wasn’t an option back then) and ret was fine.

You get used to it. It’s no worse than levelling a priest with wand spec.

They could’ve done the spec choice thing without locking you into the idiotic 41 point limit too if they wanted to, but that part was horrid.

says the guy who manipulates and lies about his data. You are a liar.

naw looking a moron though. but i got a question. do you know what meta stands for? if you do go ahead and respond. others don’t help him please. i want to see if his pea brain can figure it out. he’ll probably google it but thats fine we all need help at times. no shame in asking googole for help.

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This is something i don’t think you should have to get used to. if the class because playable after you’ve leveled so much that is a clear indicator something isn’t functioning with the class. they buried the DPS abilities so far deep in the specs that makes it difficult to enjoy the spec prior to these abilities.

The data I didn’t manipulate that wrecked your fabricated and delusional stance? That data? Need a tissue for those crocodile tears?

Its pretty easy to see why its impossible for you to get groups and need RDF to force other people to play with you.

okay liar.

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might as well since blizz already just changed the game not like im keeping my sub gonna hold on to those retail andys

You could play with him in a dungeon in LFG and never even know cuz no one talks in those dungeon runs either.


Okay carnival barker.

How many hours have you been waiting to group today? 4? 5?

okay, liar.

I mean, the same could be said for warriors, non-combat rogues, shaman (at least enhance) at the very least.

Hunters don’t get steady shot till mid 50’s (was mid 60’s in tbc) either. It’s just how the game was back then. I’d never ever consider changing that for being locked to the Cataclysm talent tree changes.

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Like not even a single word? My last group wasnt all that chatty but someone said ty for invite. There was a ‘wait’, ‘mana’, ‘afk a min’, ‘im gonna tank the boss over here’, ‘if no one wants I can use’ and when the run was over most said thanks in one form or another.

Sheesh even with RDF Id expect something along those lines. I dont need everyones life story but it would be nice if someone spoke up if they needed to bio or something instead of just afking for fear of socializing.

Ha, yeah, right, you haven’t done a WotLK dungeon then :smiley:

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i’m just using them as my example. you’re not wrong on these examples.

I mean you would get the “gg” at the end.

These dungeons don’t require strats lol.

Run in pull 3 packs and AOE.

You would get small social experiences from LFG or rdf most of the time.

Y’all wanna meet your future bff’s tho.


The only groups ive been in that say absolutely nothing in chat are my guild dives because we’re all yapping in discord.

With pugs there is usually a little communication going on. Like I said, no is talking about the weather or news of the day but the basics are usually covered.

Multiple people telling you that you are exaggerating over 26 gold is not acting like children.


Some tanks want to make sure because you never know with pugs.

Oh yeah, thats whats meant by socialization. I didnt know it was this very specific and somewhat extreme example was what it was all about. Thanks for clearing that up.

Saying “hey all” when the party forms should be avoided, you’re right. Don’t wanna come off as a human being playing a group based game or anything.

So the exact same way as in RDF?

Yeah. We know. That’s why we know Blizzard was lying through their teeth about the social aspect being “preserved” by leaving RDF out.

Cause it’s always been in guilds, nowhere else.


What you’re saying is irrelevant and is anecdotal.

You’re acting if the group is formed by rdf that stuff can’t happen.

The more you talk the worse your perspective looks along with your argument against rdf.

Rdf doesn’t disable chat.