RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Talking about your great idea of ignoring the majority…

Where did he even say rdf was a business?!?!?

“The majority” is still paying their subscription costs and playing Wrath Classic. Kind of implies they dont need RDF to play Wrath Classic.

Ask Fap, they brought it up.

Adding or not adding RDF is not a business decision.

Maybe catering to the majority whims isn’t what Wrath Classic is about. Maybe Classic isnt for everybody.

Majority of players are raid logging. I dont even do dungeons anymore. But, I understand how having RDF will help those players who are still lvling alts or new players find dungeon groups much faster. QoL improvements are helpful.

The people against RDF being implemented now are just being purists for purists sake. These people are the Amish of the WoW community. Completely against QoL improvements.


I’ve said it continually. RDF is 100% coming. They’re just holding it for a lull in an attempt to bring back subs. Will probably hit during the ToGC exodus just like it did in 2009. They’ll say, “hey we changed our mind but we’re releasing it at the same point in the expansion as before so we’re preserving the Wrath experience” and act like that wasn’t their plan all along.


That’s on them. Its not like the game is asking them to raid log or is designed for raid loggers.

Sure, convenience definitely moves things along but whether that convenience is necessary or actually entices people to fill RDF queues for lowbie dungeons is another story.

The purists are the ones who want RDF because it was in OG Wrath. Everyone else is just tired of the incessant consensus pandering.

You could say Blizz also pandered to those who were against RDF lol. So what’s your point for not allowing RDF?

Edit: And, please dont say it improves social aspect of WoW, cuz it does not. People leave groups as soon as dungeon is over.


Nothing, noone has actually been able to explain a real in game reason RDF is bad.


Someone isnt going to get their way. Just how it works.

I think RDF has the potential to go either way. What I think is irrelevant though, Im not designing the game.

Yeah but your way is just to actively hinder ppl lvling alts or new players. RDF is QoL improvement. Sounds like you just want ppl to have hard time finding groups on low pop servers.


There’s nothing stopping or even hindering people from leveling, lets not play stupid. If people dont wanna play because their training wheels arent greased enough, that’s their choice, not the game.

Yeah that’s the standard accusation when you cant make your case and I can dunk on yours. You’re a victim - good luck with that.


To sum up, some people believe thier friends will dump them for the convenience of RDF…

Most of us would consider them not be very good friends and goes back to forcing your views down other people’s throats. Guess some people are in need of friends desperately, regardless of the quality or how they get them.


Lmao what? When someone has to spend 30 min spamming lfg chat trying to find a group to gear up for raids, thats not hindering? Time is precious, unless you have no life. Also, RDF DOES help alleviate low population server issues. Lol. Again, you just want others to have a hard time cuz you dont care and have no empathy.

Edit: Freaking Amish of WoW LMAO


No because there are other options like friends, guilds, chat channels, discords, forums etc.

RDF makes grouping more convenient it doesn’t create more groups out of thin air like you are suggesting. It doesn’t produce more tanks or healers or anything of the sort. Its a convenience - all you get with RDF is RDF - you don’t get guaranteed Uldaman runs because that’s still dependent on people playing and wanting to run Uldaman. That’s got jack to do with RDF.

How? Why? You’re just telling me its magic. Sorry, I don’t believe in magic.


Again, your against convenience lol. You like wasting people’s time. LMAO. I’m done with you Amish. Enjoy your day.


Boo hoo I cant win the argument here’s an insult before I log off.

This is how the majority operates. Yeah, no wonder why you’re not getting RDF.


he’s got me on ignore because he doesn’t like the fact he can’t argue against any of the logic i present. also he has repeatedly just said you’re wrong you’re not using your social skills.

not arguing the points presented.

this dude is being dismissive about the argument laid out. when doing a dungeon comes down to /w gs class spec role GG, TY, GL or some other abbreviated form of text communication you are immediately seeing a lack of socialization.

hello, people are not going to engage with you outside of the bare minimum, in 2023 most people don’t care about what your cat did or that when you did your laundry today that your washer on hot shrunk your laundry. no body cares about this aspect.
bro, meaningful connections? really? i would sit in dalaran or stormwind or one of the shrine cities in mist. and just watch people get people out of trade to run dungeons. then queue up smash a few and be done. what meaningful connections are you looking for. sorry i barely communicate with a hunter friend 2010 i met during wrath and it wasn’t from a pathetic dungeon it was from my guild. this is at best a strawman at worst being disingenuous to the nature of dungeons.
does it change the way people react to people no it doesn’t. but when people had GS installed on their characters and they see a 4500 GS tank dying on every pull yeah they kind of lose patience, like wise if they see a 5k GS dps doing nothing on the dps charts they get annoyed. bare in mind we are about to hit the 4500 GS gear score, and people are pulling the the behavior above. it happens in and outside of RDF. this is a poor argument.
RDF did not remove incentive to be in a guild neither did LFR. this is just a bold faced lie. i don’t know anyone who ever said i’m so glad i don’t have to be in a guild anymore because LFR was introduced. do i think LFR has its problems absolutely. do i think it should be in Cata Classic if it comes absolutely but LFR didn’t ruin guilds. that was poor guild management. poor leadership.

is it really that divisive? or is it a small minority that feel this way. also the real question is how does it affect the how people play the game? i can’t think of a way this impacts the players other than allow them to do their chores IE daily quests.

again the Brian can say all these wonderful things. and they are great. but the fact is you have to give the players what they want. and i see a lot more pro RDF players than i do Anti-RDF its the same usual suspects who say no rdf. do you know why we won’t get an official poll? because blizzard would have Egg on their face once more since they’ve taken a hard stance. when you also likewise have content creators who said no to it, but then are like okay maybe i was wrong. and then their comments are agree with them. that is incredibly telling.


Sorry Meewoww, but we as a community have decided.

We want RDF.