RDF isn't coming to WotLK

It is, though.

By the way, subs rose for a year+ after RDF was added.

And it has nothing to do with anything. No one will ever prove why subs rise or fall. It’s just trolls distracting from the fact they have no argument against RDF.


than go on ahead and back it up then, be my guest.

so just to understand. we agree RDF would potentially provide a better leveling experience correct? did i read what you said correct? if so cool, sounds like we have found some common ground. i like common ground. it means we can move the discussion forward. now to the heroic + i have a simple question and its not a gotcha its just a question of whether you agree or not. do you believe in this current tier that heroic + will offer the minor of upgrades to gear compared to the heroic dungeons gear? thus also making the difficulty less important to phase 2, but more important when we hit p3 and p4? because this is where i think the activity would shine beset is in p4 especially.

i cannot find any lies in what you have said in either of these paragraphs. all though i don’t know anything about Guild Wars 2. so i can’t agree or disagree with anything said about the dragon flying i’d have to ask my work buddy about that since that is his Jam. but other than that i have a hard time finding fault with these two paragraphs.

Sounds like you need to work on the methods you use to form groups then.

I got 2 dungeon groups formed last night with different people. And each time took matbe 5 minutes? Mind you i didnt form the second group, but joined and watched it fill up fast. And these were for pre 70 dungeons. Aka leveling dungeons.

So, sounds like a YOU issue as thats the major difference between your and my experience.

Yeah, I know. I was just showing another contradiction by our very own forum version of Harvey Dent. Just letting people know they’re arguing or agreeing with a troll, who has no integrity whatsoever:

Implies RDF was one of the “convenience systems” that caused subs to plummet.
Now that he’s playing the other side: “No one knows why subs dropped.”

He doesn’t even try to hide it but people keep taking the bait.

At around 3am?

You can’t just assume that every server has 40k players 24/7 like the mega servers, not every server has balanced factions and therefore are stuck on those servers with next to no one to play with.

Ignoring these facts, yes the crap lfg we have now works but if you bother to look at and include these facts then you start to realize that the lack of RDF is slowly strangling wrath classic like its an unwanted baby.

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Free will means if RDF is in the game people can choose not to use it.

now now, lets not drop that R word around here we have plenty of anti-rdfers that are this but we aren’t calling them that at all. we may be thinking it but we never call them this. its also doesn’t move conversations forward. but maybe thats because you have no ability to actually hold a conversation to begin with such a glowing personality.

I see the anti-rdf trolls are as nice and social as ever.

Should just report the post and ignore the user. Though sadly that won’t accomplish much as he’ll just switch back to posting on one of his other alts.


I mean have you never looked at the sub graph?

It goes up and up and up.

Then very shortly after the dungeon finder was introduced, it goes down and down and down.


About a year after, sure.

You literally have no leg to stand on. I recommend just stopping.


So after a year what I’m saying is true?


Subs went down after a year or so, yep. Did RDF cause it? No one knows.

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So you admit that after the dungeon finder was introduced, subs went down.

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The same can be said for anything before Cataclysm’s release, genius. Death Knights were added, then subs went down. You really don’t think things through, do you?


No, I’m doing what any classic player is doing, spamming “LFM [dungeon here]”.

Thats nice and all but still it doesn’t reflect the current landscape of leveling.

And most people are here echoing the same thing here as me?

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I think you’re a little brain dead my friend, a year of no real content just waiting for cataclysm to come out can and will always cause sub numbers to drop. Why do you think people stop playing after they’ve got tier 167381`6238716 every expansion and hibernate until the next expansion and once more hit tier 28392031092 then hibernate some more.

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You are actively advocating for people to solo level instead of play with 4 other players in a dungeon.

You can do whatever mental gymnastics you want to justify it but that is the end result you want while being massive hypocrite and claiming you care about socializing.