RDF for WOTLK. Yes or no and why?

You need to head to shimmering flats to quest in tanaris. You never have to go to desolace.

Your brain broken?

My tin foild about some anti-rdf is they run the boost runs of tbcc and wrath still up on some servers.

Some twink pvp. Some also twink pve too it seems lol. Grobb and whitemane have eternal 70’s who are there for your slave pen needs lol.

Some nights those prices start to look pretty good for the 65 to 70 and 75 to 80 runs.

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You asked my opinion and I gave it to you. If you want to be all hateful about it to me, have at it.

That’s all they know

But you don’t go to Tanaris directly after Shimmering Flats so why is it important to do it at the level range of SM?

This I can agree with. RDF hurts the twinking community and the boosting community. Those people can eat a bag of concrete mix for all I care.

Really? You took that reply as hateful?

For saying WoW was made to be a casual Everquest?

Your “tone of voice” says it all sir.

Aaaaaalrighty then.

RDF would kill the twinking community on WOTLK Classic and boosters would lose business. Those are two things I think that would actually benefit WoW overall. Now I really can’t wait for RDF to come out.

Here, let me help you:

“I said worse than the current situation did I not?” – the focus part of this sentence is “did I not?” - meaning I’m stupid and you didn’t pay attention to or understand what I said. I get it you won’t understand, all good…enjoy

Because going there once unlocks the FP, shimmering quests are amazing xp.

Desolace is mostly travel time with very spread out quests and a long journey there. You are vastly better off going to shimmering flats, then doing stv intro quests, then arathi intros, and heading to dustwallow at 35 as alliance

Gonna go finish my tomatos. I expect big angry words when I return

I mean, did you pay attention to what I said? I specifically said only betas and mostly the daily at that.

And you responded with a tangent about … people’s skill levels?

All of that sounds really boring and I could’ve cleared SM 5 times in the time it took you to formulate these responses FYI. Having had much more fun than mindlessly questing. Did I level faster? that I don’t know, and I don’t care. Fact is, I had more fun doing what I wanted to do.

It didn’t when we got RDF the first time though.
The changes to enchants and armor patches did that more than anything else, along with the revamp of the old world quest rewards in Cata.

No you don’t, you CAN, but you are not required too. As alliance you also never have to go to shimmering flats unless you want the ZF quest for the carrot. Can quest around it just fine.

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Why bother?

You clearly follow whatever restedXP tells you to do and never stray off the path to have some fun in a game.

You asked my opinion and I gave it. There really is nothing more that needs to be stated, but you want to make sure you have the last word on it…

So get your last word in so you can feel good about yourself.
:no_bell: :mute:

Except they don’t.

PLayer skill didn’t change after RDF or LFR. That’s just one of the things the anti RDF crowd likes to lie about. Same way they lie about there being massive amounts of trolls in RDF and none without RDF.

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Had to check the phone.

I have never used a xp guide. I know all the leveling routes by heart. Symptom of perfect memory.

What scares me the most is that people like Auril will breed someday if they haven’t already. God forbid their childrens ideologies end up being anything like theirs.

Nobody could ever have fun around them or try something different than what they would do.