RDF for WOTLK. Yes or no and why?

I like it, my main gripe is it could be more expansive and be less “stat go up by X%” which was why they stream lined them in Cata and eventually just did away with the tree system in MoP. Odd to back track.

I would like this as well, hopeful that the comment made recently-ish on the dev talk video comes true.
“Never said we wouldn’t add it, just that we wouldn’t add it before ICC…” Paraphrasing and open to correction with a source if I am wrong.

Desolace is also a major 30 zone for horde. You actually bounce this between Arathi highland runs. Each will “orange/red” out and you bounce these.

And now tauren mills final 30’s are not red.

Or yeah there is STV. But you leave this 2/3 times as quests red out. I am making that place of last resort on recent 30 runs.

I jsut don’t want to see the jungle…again. So I am really putting off that jungle visit till I have no choice.

So says wowhead. Or you install questie which puts up tons of spoilers lol.

I personally look for dense clumps of yellows on my questie assisted map. I don’t walk 15 minutes for one yellow. I need 5+.

I clearly know more than rabble like you

All you do is disagree and offer flimsy defenses

Oh my sides lol.


Thats literally what you do, we provide information and facts and you twist it to feed your forum discord mod status. Keep going you little mongrel

I want to be honest, imo, I don’t think that RDF is going to fix most of the underlying issues… in fact in some cases it may make it worse.

This guy is so high on his tomatoes that he doesn’t realize he contradicts himself in every regard. It’s highly pathetic. You should worry more about your tomatoes than RDF might give yourself a heart attack or a stroke

OK, walk us through how it could get worse than only betas and mostly the daily at that being run?

Would love to see this hyperbole in action. This is blatantly not possible. the 4 SM dungeons are such a wide range of levels that you wouldn’t be able to out level it faster than a group clearing all wings.

Go ahead and tell me I am wrong though, clearly you just dislike dungeons. So why even interject in a thread based around people who do?

Only Gamma dungeons


Because they have either this, or cutting tomatoes to do as their only option in life right now and this is clearly more important

He didn’t even say he’d level faster than people levelling in SM, he said he’d level faster than a single clear.

It’s utterly preposterous.

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Ha, touché.

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This dude needs to lay off the crack vape honestly

One of the issues I’ve heard all of WoW’s life after RDF, LFR, etc came into play is the skills of people using it creates lots of issues. If they put this in, I promise the amount of whines about bad tanks, bad heals, undergeared dps, etc all start to come out.

At 30 you are finishing most of hillsbrad foothills, then heading to shimmering flats. At 32 you head to arathi and stv

As alliance you go to shimmering flats after duskwood/wetlands. You can entirely skip desolace

Possibly, but I’d be willing to deal with it as I normally play a tank or healer. As long as one of the two are competent, we can get through hennything.

I said worse than the current situation did I not?

Cause RDF (and LFR) really hasn’t made peoples skills worse at all.

Cause WoW is, at it’s heart, a casual version of Everquest. That is literally why it was made.

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Oh yes, Shimmering Flats, much closer to SM than Desolace.

Dude, what?

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I can support that - I mean - I don’t care …I 5 man w/friends and raid w/guildmates so like retail (when I use to play) it really didn’t affect (or is it effect) me

The tomatoes are clouding their judgement