RDF For the Win!

Go back to retail. Everything you want is there.

But that’s the thing, it isn’t. Wrath is almost here, and we want wrath. It litterally exists. Retail is not wrath, meanwhile vanilla exists as well. So you have the ability, unlike us, to actually play the game you want.


So play WOTLK classic or a p server and stop complaining and tryna change stuff that people who’ve paid over 300 in subs don’t want.

We’ll, Blizzard’s solution to losing tons of subs is very simple: more micro-transactions! Buy a boost. Buy a transfer to a mega server. Buy a faction change. Buy a name change. Buy a race change.

That’s their solution these days. Milk the whales. It’s been that way in Retail for years, and now it’s spilling over to Classic.

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We aren’t trying to change anything though.


You’re literally subbed rn. Paying 15 dollars to complain on forums and not get anything for it. Could never be me.

Different accounts have different privileges but you can do an end run around it.
By hitting the Preformatted text option

That requires others to copy and paste it, but that’s not an undue hardship.

But we don’t want to change anything. We want Wrath as close to what it was. You’re the one celebrating the change to RDF.


At its absolute lowest point, Cataclysm had over 9 million subscribers.

Classic and TBCC have struggled to break 400k, specifically only during the releases of the most casual raid content of ZG and then again with ZA.

By those metrics, Classic is not “doing just fine.” Cope harder and go play your dream game Wildstar. Oh, right, you folks ruined that one too because you have no clue what makes an MMO thrive.

Lies. Damnable lies. I’m not sure if you’re just posturing because you think it makes you look cool (it absolutely does not) or if you are actually too stupid to realize the vast differences between classic versions of WoW and the modern retail environment.

RDF might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for some people though.

This is cap. Vanilla launch had over a million new subs and rivaled it’s retail counter part in numbers. Making stuff up is called head canon. Your head canon is wrong.

Where are you getting your numbers? Ironforge.pro shows about 229,000 currently playing TBCC. I know it doesn’t capture every single player but the methodology it uses should probably be getting the majority. I’d say it’s a stretch to believe that 400,000 are currently playing let alone over a million.

Vanilla launch had over 1 million new subs it’s common knowledge just do a google search. People have quit since than due to fatigue or blizzard being rapey, or the 58 boost. But launch classic was huge.

It’s common knowledge that bulls hate the color red. That’s wrong though, it’s a scientific fact that bulls are color blind.

I say again; where are you getting your numbers? Even if 1 million people created a new subscription for WoW Classic, how many were still logging in 31 days later? 61? 365?







It’s amazing the amount of people unfamiliar with the concept of a troll.

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I’m waiting for a process to complete at work and have to sit here anyway. /shrug

Idk how you RDF people can’t use google it took me like two seconds to find sources.

https:/ /screenrant.com/world-of-warcraft-classic-doubled-subscriber/amp/

But your claim was that there were “thousands of articles during Wrath about how bad RDF is”

And you post a link that WoW Classic got lots of people to re-subscribe?

Are you trying to infer that these subscribers came back to wow specifically because there was no RDF in Vanilla? If that is your argument, then why are there SO many people on the classic forums begging for RDF in Wrath?

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I was asked to cite my source on WoW classic launch subs. You’re an hour behind.

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