RDF Compromise

There are obviously two distinct factions. Sure, some people fall somewhere in the middle and want an RDF with some limitations, but most of us fall into one of two camps.

So, let’s ask Blizzard to make two battlegroups. One with RDF, and one without RDF. Then we can just let the community choose and see what happens.


or we just have 1 battlegroup that has rdf and you as a player can choose if you want to use it or not?


Or we can do what Blizzard is already doing and leave the worst invention they’ve created out of the game entirely.

I’m with Blizzard on this one. LFD ruined the community. They know it, you know it.

You’ll live without it.

“lfd ruined the community” is the worst lie in wow history.


Except I don’t know it, because I play other games with LFD in them that are far more social than TBCC and possibly even WoW ever.


You’re just wrong, LFR is way worse than LFD.

And no LFR isn’t an extention of LFD.

What community I ran 3 mgt today and didn’t have anyone talk in a single one. Marked targets and nothing. Guilds are the community you join to hang out. Random dungeon finder is good for what it’s name says. Random dungeons.


The community ruined the community lol.

People just don’t play like they did back in 2003/2004.


RDF is a fine tool. The problem is between the desk and the chair.

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I honestly wouldn’t say ruined, it’s just different.

We talk in discord instead of in game now

It’s more, the community has developed sooo much information sharing tools, that the common conversations of “Where do i go for this quest”, “what spec does most dps” and “what items are my BiS” are all completely transparent now.

Sure there were early tools in the day, but even the old thottbot was incredibly vague and YouTube guides were barely a thing. Now days, EVERYONE has access to dungeon strategies, item sims, optimal quest/farming guides… on top of that, ALL the upcoming content is KNOWN. There is little of any speculation about “what” will come out as opposed to “when” it will come out.

With the need for information removed, basically socialization boils down to “how is your day” to which the majority of people just don’t give a f*** when it is some random you are grouping with for a dungeon.

Well, by wrath we had all that starting to form, so I guess from here out its not much different.

And I thought I was mad just because I liked Alice in Wonderland and size changing. I didn’t know that the fact that I went into a LFD on retail also caused some extra insanity. :crazy_face:

Hmm wait.

The LFD didn’t make me any crazier than before. I got there on my own. :crazy_face:

I’m a fan of RDF implemented but only triggers after 5-10 minutes in queue - keep it as in-server as possible.

Which is probably why RDF was so widely adopted.

The reason people HATED it in cata was simply due to the difficulty they had tuned heroics too (far above the average WotLK pug).

I feel that if they had introduced phased progression to LFD, (That is, starting at normal mode in Tier 11, adding heroic in Tier 12, adding ZA/ZG in Tier 13) there would have been so little back lash from the RDF side of things.

I think they should put in for 15-70 at launch honestly, to combat all the boosting at those levels

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I’ve been pushing for normal modes only until ICC when it was originally launched. Then heroics are added to the tool. I think it’s the best compromise between both crowds.

1-70 works too, but tbh there is almost zero harm in normal WotLK dungeons as they are almost exclusively for leveling due to the way itemization works in WotLK.

If they want to kill boosting, they really need to buff the LFG bonus exp and nerf exp when partied with a high level character. Right now, so many are boosting out of convenience because the leveling journey is long and the community is 90% end game focused.

They did say they might do that like they did with SoM

It would be a nice step, but it doesn’t foster growth and new players. Unlike 2003-2009 we don’t have a stream of new and oblivious players to fill out the leveling journey.

Most players know how long it takes and the reason so many people boost is because it cuts that time to something manageable. If we just cut boosting we don’t just get all those players back into the leveling pool. I think maybe 30% (50% if we are optimistic) would continue leveling alts normally… where as many players would suddenly just not even bother.

Another problem is because we are progressive servers. Back in 2003, you were lucky to have 1 if not 2 or 3 lvl 60s going into TBC. Thanks to boosting and an people being MUCH more efficient leveling in classic. People had as many as 7 or 8 max levels going into TBC and the same will be true for WotLK. All these factors drive the decline of leveling we feel today.

Actually see quite a few players leveling nowadays, but not doing dungeons unfortunately.