First of all, the only data Blizzard truly does do is through a survey, and they only send it out to a few individuals. A few individuals =/= Majority of the World of Warcraft community.
Yeah, a few individuals switching between alts to make it sound like a lot of people…
You have no insight into data blizzard has available.
…or access to their numbers
This emotional retort is because you can’t cope with individuals that don’t agree with you. You are trying to make it ‘less’ to feel better.
Conversely, I don’t have to play mental gymnastics because the outcome Blizzard chose reaffirms how I feel about the impact of RDF. It was a terrible addition to the game and now it’s not part of Wrath this round. That’s awesome and the game is better for it.
You are now the third person to say “lemon”. Who is Lemon? Is this another Leroy Jenkins because I don’t find anything on google or youtube about “lemon” and “wow”
I dunno. The jury is still out but I’m pretty sure I speak for myself so you are, in fact, not the arbiter of whether I speak for myself. I don’t know what proof you have but you have a bad source.
Are you familiar with the concept of delayed effect? It’s not that it directly and immediately caused subs to drop, it’s that given time, and definitely assisted by other cross realm features, started deteriorating realm identities and communities. Once you have cross realm, you stop remembering other players you encounter in the world because most often you’re playing with people from another realm who you’ll see exactly once ever. That’s not exactly fun, WoW stopped being fun if you’re not addicted to the numerous skinner box things that Blizzard started flooding the game with.
I don’t even know why I bother replying seriously to you people. It’s like you enjoy the state of retail or you are willingly ignorant about the consequences of cross realm and just want your instant gratification now with RDF and damn the consequences for Classic after so many years of literally begging Blizzard to let us enjoy WoW again.
Lots of those for and against the rdf claim they’re in the majority. None of them ever consider they might not be. The truth is there is no definitive objective information either way.
Blizzard has made guesses often enough in the past and then changed their minds that I no longer believe they have sufficient information claim a majority support for any of them
Doesn’t help that they’re sending out surveys asking people about RDF, clearly the whole thing stems from Brian’s ego and nothing else. The rest of the team knows what’s best.
We literally have Ion-lite running classic. I expect much resistance and half-arsed gestures until they ultimately cave long after everyone has stopped caring, it’s the same as retail has ALWAYS been.
sure is funny how it’s ok blizzard CHANGED the game and now have quests dropping badges but oh man RDF would just be too much oh man think of the children