RDF - a particularly important feature

Toxicity comes in a ton of forms but Im not the kind of guy that gets worked up about someone underperforming so long as we can get through the instance or whatever.

If its that bad I might offer some helpful advice but if the person is cordial and whatnot Im not going to hate on them for doing bad dps.

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This is probably the best post I’ve read in support of RDF and the author is totally right

Come on Blizzard, do the right thing!


Neat another thread to mute


Cross server is the root cause of WoWs downfall. It destroyed retail WoW and it destroy pvp once it was introduced in classic

Cross server doesnt matter when you have a mega horde server and a mega alliance server. When they allow servers to have 30 thousand people on them it doesnt matter anymore. Cross server doesn’t mean what it used to. People are already playing cross server.


Well said, RDF is one of the main reasons I love wotlk, without it I’m not gonna play!


RDF solves many of the current problems with TBC. Not putting it in wrath classic means all those problems transfer into wrath classic plus the problems created with the new LFG “tool”.


Funny how lots of people want the classic server to match the state of the game of the matching patch from back in the day exept when in come to this

What is the point of a classic server if a major system that was introduced in that patch isnt there?


Yup RDF is pretty much a huge confusion spot for why it isnt in the game.


1000% should be in the game.


Because more people would buy paid boosts without it.

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I have become mostly convinced that these anti rdf folks are people who benefit significantly from the gatekeeping of dungeons. They are just masking their true intentions behind arguments of “muh community!”


the problem is this system reeks of retail, bud :expressionless:

nonsense. there is no reputation concern when RDF is cross-server. bad behavior has no social consequences.

They don’t want others to have what they have.


Blockquote nonsense. there is no reputation concern when RDF is cross-server. bad behavior has no social consequences.

But not when nearly what you think when servers can Hold 30,000 people. That is as much as 5 or 6 server when launched.

You want to see the problem with not having it? Iron Forge pro numbers show classic is dying faster then you would like to think. Old Blanchy

US WestPvE 422

245 / 58.1% Alliance

177 / 41.9% Horde

All server raiding numbers US and Oceanic (edit) PVE realms

All selected realms


22110 / 61.2% Alliance

14008 / 38.8% Horde

There are a total of ~36,000 active raiding CHARACTERS not even people through all of US and Oceanic Classic and TBC. Put in the LFD/LFG tool so people can level easier. Are there people who will just spam it yes but if it makes it easier to find a healer or tank then I really don’t care. When this tool happened I got guild offers from random people because I was able to heal through stuff others hand problems with. I was able to stop using the LFG channel and hear “Your mom is so fat she sits around your house.” jokes. If you want that fine stay in LFG but really I don’t need my guild chat scrolling off screen for the “my nuts are huge.” convo you get in LFG. Edit to add one more thing

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So does Wrath Reforged, it’s literally ON retail code, with retail LFG, retail pvp, etc., etc…the “retail” argument is old and unimaginative.

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As are Era and SoM as well.
The OMG GO TO RETAIL, SCUM refrain is just not a well thought out talking point.


I really don’t think you’ve played retail in many many years…The irony of this whole thing is the LFG tool they are modifying for Wrath Classic is probably the most used and impactful tool in relation to grouping and social interactions on Retail.

This whole reputation concern is really overstated in my opinion. The kind of bad behavior people describe in relation to RDF isn’t the sort of thing people are really concerned about when it comes to their “reputation”. In fact toxic/troll type behavior is actually far less impactful on your experience due to the ease of access RDF provides. Right now with how long and how difficult it is to get a group for dungeons running into this sort of behavior can be extremely demoralizing.


yet it is the exact types of “socializations” that blizzard and the anti-social anti-rdf crowd hope to nurture and coddle by removeing the RDF/LFD original-to-wrath feature.

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Late to this post but really really great, nice write up.

We need a return of the king, RDF. No king rules forever but RDF is in its prime right now.

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