yet another
just use the group finder we already have in TBC, lmao ???
its funny watching people bicker over problems already solved on retail. i find it to be a great source of entertainment.
And the benefit to keeping it in server is that you can recognize those individuals, and bar them from joining again. Servers develop a community, where reputation matters and people recognize one another. Why would a bad player doing less damage than the tank who is from another server and will likely never interact with you again, actually care about any kind of social fabric, or group responsibility?
Itâs the same mindset that allows places like Twitter to become toxic cesspools. Realms with strong communities should be aspired to as a cornerstone of the WoW experience.
This isnât reality though. Even in Vanilla Classic your reputation meant very little because no one actually cared about enforcing any social punishment for anything, and the servers were already quite large. I mean jesus christ man, Vanilla Classic gave us phase bloody 2 and the utter tidal wave of sociopathic behavior that brought about. Whispering a guild leader about some anti-social behavior would like as not get you called all sorts of names. Nowadays itâs even less realistic with mega servers on one hand and super low pop servers on another. Not having cross-server RDF is protecting a vanishing minority in exchange for worsening the game experience drastically for everyone else.
Great post! Would love to see the devs get involved in a discussion about this⌠they really just said we arenât doing it too bad so sad. But pretty much everywhere you look itâs about 70% in favor of LFD⌠and blizz seems to not even want to consider it⌠seems short sighted
wotlk instances take like 20 minutes
we take more time finding a group than playing the game
we need it back
RFD was trash
the dungeon finder in TBC works fine
Nobody cares about joe shmow from your molten core raid a couple of nights ago.
Nobody cares about joe shmow from leveling in hellfire peninsula.
If you did you would add them to bnet friends and still beable to play with them.
All that is in the past, nobody is looking at names anymoreâŚ
Iâm all for it, would be nice to see a few months into wrath when things die down and finding groups for anything BUT heroics will be near impossible. At the very least I would like to see this tool for anything up to Wrath to keep that content alive, While leveling (this was before the bonus to exp gains) I would constantly find myself trying to find groups for dungeons around my level only to have the group formed when its utterly pointless to do.
Make your own group. DF is fine. Blizz needs to do something about dead servers. Not add RDF.
RDF was implemented after ICC. So we are talking about the end of content releases and going into the content drought of almost a year till cata. It was implemented to help level alts.
I assume wrath will be fine without it, and hell probably fine with it. I couldnât really care, but if I had to choose a side of the fence it would be to keep it out as it wasnât really the core of wrath as I remember it. Also the social aspect is off putting for me.
Yeah RDF by icc
To further information in the sense of good nature. RDF Was not a feature in WoTLK until patch 3.3.0 even IF they stayed true to original content release phasing it wonât be implemented until After Ulduar is cleared and ToC is in full swing. Given that the game released in 3.3.5 class balancing stage and content is slowly being phased in and as of TBC we have strayed in a sense away from original QoLs due to Mass Communtiy input I highly doubt a highly debated topic QoL such as RDF will be added any time soon or at all, by the off chance it is added there would be massive restrictions on its use such as only being usable in previous expansions however this is only my hypothesis as to its implementation, which in this case I would be ok with it, however current expansion implementation should not occur, there are more than enough people for the last 10 levels of the game to run dungeons with, without the need to have RDF. And with the recent dev talk on how they will be keeping Ulduar Relevant after ToC comes out Iâm not seeing a massive need for RDF.
Now for the other part, IF they do implement RDF there is only one change I would like to see and that would be that Cross Server Searching to be disabled, for current expansion dungeons, totally fine with Vanilla and TBC dungeons having the cross server search as it would help break up the questing a bit and help in finding groups but again the point that there is enough people to at Wotlk expansion to do dungeons without the need for RDF stands.
I get groups without LFD and donât speak a single word.
NO! We canât have the RDF because it ruins the togetherness of our classic servers!!!1!!!one!!! We wanted classic so we could all be together on 11 separate layers that we cant see each other on! Just use the far-superior-to-retail dungeon finder they jerryrigged in. I canât understand why people want to ruin the server cohesion that comes from 11 separate layers keeping everyone apart! /huff
My healer gets into groups instantly, my paladin takes anywhere from 20-60 minutes or advertising that Iâll pass on loot that I could use to get into groups.
Anyone here who can reflect the actual doinâ of the situation?