RDF - a particularly important feature

So the toxic, homophobic, misogynistic, brain-dead stupidity of LFG chat is something you feel is a healthy, good component of this game?

Okay. I wish you joy of it.


So you have a guild and you group with them, you’re very adamant about it as I’ve seen you stress that many many times. So why exactly do you care about the lfd? It seems like it doesn’t really impact you.


I’ll answer that question when you tell me why we can’t have a vendor in every city that sells BiS items for 1g each.
If you don’t like it, don’t use it, right?

The ride from the summoning stone to the instance makes me feel like Emelio Estevez in Young Guns.



One of the primary arguments I’ve seen for keeping RDF out of WotLK is that the mere presence of it will disturb / degrade the (social) experience that one was hoping for or expecting.

Can I ask you to elaborate on, specifically, what parts of the (social & world?) experience are impacted as a result of the automated group forming and teleportation?

For example, would you say that the act of traveling to a dungeon entrance on your server, with whatever population level it has, with whatever type and balance it is (PvP or PvE, horde/alliance dominated or balanced), causes you to have a different experience than if you were to be teleported instead?


I’m your huckleberry
 your inane analogy would render doing actual content mute whereas LFD facilitates doing said content.

Step up your trolling kiddo.


why do you care what other people do?
why are you trying to dictate how others play the game?
if you want to do the dungeons without buying the BiS items for 1g each, you can.
don’t like it, don’t use it.


Of course. Some of the best times are the impromptu meetings I have when traveling from point A to point B, whether it be some alliance friends or some hordies to fight.

If your server is dead that’s a separate issue, and not one that should be solved by cross-server features. Honestly they should just have 1 server for PvP and 1 for PvE. some day blizzard will realize this, hopefully.

So your position is based on nothing more than forcing others to play the game in a way they don’t wish to play it

Clarification appreciated


Could you describe some examples of this a bit more? I’m genuinely curious, not trying to bait or troll or anything. The ‘hordies to fight’ part I think I understand - you must be on a PvP server, and so having an opportunity to see an enemy out in the world and start a World PvP fight may appeal to you, from the sounds of it.

What do you mean by meetings of ‘alliance friends’ though? Do you happen to just come across people doing some sort of quest and realize you want to finish it up as well?

You rebel, you know youre supposed to rp walk from the stone to the entrance with the rest of the group!

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With your previously mentioned guild that you run with so you don’t have to experience pugging. okay.

What about no meta classes? You know, there are some classes that are “decent”, but people want to do a dungeon fast and well, with no meta class it could be a little difficult, so, for them is better only go with meta classes. I think, the RDF solve the discrimination class issue.

In Classic is a lot of people that is very elitist about the meta, so if you want to play a class that is not meta, or you have a good guild that help you or better not create that class/spec that you want to play.


It does seem like a lot of the really vocal people against this have talked about how they only run stuff with their guilds anyway, so lfd wouldn’t even impact them. Well one person did mention they don’t want to see people vanish in the world when their queue pops, so that would still impact them I guess. We can’t have that happening amirite?

Seems they just want to control how people play, they want to force everyone to play their way.


There will always be a meta

I’m sorry but RDF didn’t create these people.

If you think these people didn’t exist in such numbers back in classic
 Boy do I have a bunch of classic ninja looting, raging, etc. videos to show you all the way back when Onyxia and Ragnaros were relevant content.


You really should read the whole text.

I really have to take issue with the statement that things were just fine in WotLK, and only got toxic after that. That may have been the original poster’s experience, but mine was repeated toxicity during WotLK, toxicity I’d never experienced in WoW before that. Things got better after that, until M+ was Introduced.

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Its an old post but the OP noted how it harmed the community after Wrath. He’s right about how (toxic players) but he doesnt see how RDF played a role in creating that monster in the first place.

RDF wasnt a game killer but it did start a trend that ended up finishing that job. Which is why Blizzard isnt putting it in. They recognized it, same as the OP did, and are wisely leaving it out.

Terrible players breed toxicity too. The people that cry about how toxic everyone else is are the same as the people who complain about crazy people speeding on the highway when they’re going 55 in a 65 in the left lane. Yeah you’re the reason these people are acting crazy. You are actively slowing people down and getting in their way. You shouldnt be allowed to do less damage than the tank and complain about your group not being nice to you.