Typod, meant crafted gear since orbs are from badges
If you can’t read, I’m not going to spell it out for you.
I’ve read numerous posts from you and haven’t seen you post a negative… So I’m asking directly, What is the Negatives of RDF?
Teleporting to a dungeon? How many times do you need to run there before its no longer fun? ( most of us its 2-3 times) Waiting 15+ minutes added on top of whatever it took to form the group is just… bad game design for content we’ve already seen before.
Auto-Match Making? What is the benefit from forming your own group of randoms? You can gatekeep who joins your group? Thats not a positive… Wouldn’t randomly selecting who you group for make for more spontaneous and fruitful social relationships?
Cross-Server? Whats wrong with everyone being grouped in a timely manner to run content as repetitive as dungeons…(you literally runs this 100’s of times)
The Reward of Emblems? Its catchup gear… most classes only use like one piece for current tier if any… whats wrong with more potential raiders you don’t have to go back and clear naxx to gear up? Or have you never ran a guild and have no idea what that revolving door of recruitment is like?
So again sir, I ask you… what negatives?
I’ve literally opened a thread that has over 1000 views that directly explains in the OP what I see as negatives of RDF. You’ve actually commented in this thread.
This thread actually.
Server identity… Are you playing on a server with 5 people? Nobody knows who you are and you’ve been on your server for over a year.
WoW Classic is its OWN community… Servers are just a way to divide us so we don’t have to wait in queue to play… there is no difference between random on your server or random on another server… all the servers are the same, even Grobbulus the RP-PVP server…
Server identity lol.
Apart from their lack of existence in all other facets of the game world.
Because then Blizzard will get tons of posts like “Make server X cross-realm RDF, we’re dying” just like they do with the transfers stuff. If a serer has sufficient population, they won’t need the cross-server aspect, but at 3am it might be useful for even a generally high population server to have cross-realm.
That said, my preference is for the toggle so I can turn it off completely.
You can only earn heroism in 5mans with the new changes to valor dropping in 10mans.
So spamming 5mans with no lockout overloads people with gear and creates even more disparity between casual vs serious when trying to find a guild or just play the game in general. It unloads more crafted gear onto the market via frozen orbs and incentivizes people to “buy tank queues”, it creates more issues than it fixes.
If you are in a small realm that can’t support pugging 5mans, you have had choices to xfer with free transfers or entire realms being closed. If none were free due to faction imbalance you have paid boosts to reroll or realm transfers for money.
Asking the entire population of a game to get a terrible system added because you couldn’t xfer when it was free, reroll or pay to xfer is absurd. Do not expect a game to worsen itself to accommodate people, that’s how we got retail with its ever diminishing player base.
At least in Phase 1.
Heroism gets phased out after phase 3.
And will still only drop in 5mans until then
Are you talking about market in World of Warcraft? With instant 70’s and farmers… you have nothing to do with the market… lol… next argument please.
So you have no arguement then?
I just gave multiple reasons why rdf shouldn’t exist, give me some why those reasons aren’t reasons or reasons why it should be added?
I agree with orginal poster. I’d only add my own suggestion and that is to make RDF for all dungeons but lvl 80 heroics
Emblems are a non-point as stated they are catch-up gear that all classes maybe use 1 item if any in their Raid BiS. Catch-up gear is healthy for realm population because it allows Guilds to focus on current content instead of backtracking and raiding more days during the week to keep new raiders geared. This helps reduce burnout. If you ran a guild you would understand these points.
Running 2 dungeons an hour vs 1 Dungeon an hour is not a huge disparity… again stated you a regular player have no impact on realm Economy… only the “farmers” do.
If RDF was a thing people who like their small population realms would have an option to do one more activity that they would more than likely not be able to do. (run a dungeon whenever they want).
RDF promotes no server transfers.
So again… what was your point?
As if this line even matters with classic. Bots, gold sellers, mega servers… yeah thats been a dead argument since tbc came out.
Hey Kaivax, why was this moved from WotLK beta discussion? There is still several similar threads discussing opinions on RDF that have been left untouched in the WotLK beta discussion.
This doesn’t seem related to Burning Crusade as it is a WotLK feature.
Because moving it here can silence it easier.
They probably want discussions on the beta forums to focus on providing feedback on their experience with the beta, rather than requesting a new feature.
You also can’t access the beta forums unless you’re in the beta, so your thread gets more exposure this way.
They didn’t move other threads of a similar nature.
I don’t have Beta access, yet I’m able to post in there.
Oh really? I don’t have access, or maybe I just can’t find it?
In any case, just giving my 2c because I doubt you get a CM reply for that.
Edit: I did find it. Oh well, you can disregard my answer then. I’m also seeing some of the threads you’re talking about that also should have been moved by my logic…