Everyone has access. That forum is for discussing Wrath prior to release. Bugs are required to be provided in-game, not in the forums, so it’s specifically for people to talk about an upcoming product.
And this entire thread has no relationship whatsoever to Burning Crusade, but Kaivax has decided (or been instructed from on high) to bury it, because it’s a legitimate compromise they’re unwiling to entertain, but don’t want getting more traction than it already has.
I’m more and more convinced that removing LFD wasn’t a ‘stylistic’ choice, but rather, they’ve got too many things to fix still and insufficient resources to do it. Quest Helper is still lacking, but we were told it was coming, the beta is missing content pieces, and the XP buff’s non-appearance means we’re still at least 8 weeks from launch, when we were told several weeks ago that it would appear in a few weeks.
I would be unsurprised if in a few months, Blizzard says “Oh we changed our mind due to feedback” because they finally got RDF to work.
The compromise sounds pretty good, but it seems to be kinda assuming that everybody queues at the same time.
For heroic dungeons it may work, but for some odd low level ones for which maybe a handful of players would be in queue at one time, forcing the last person to wait for 15 mins while other 4 are already waiting poses a risk of one of the 4 giving up and cancelling the queue.
You can make it possible for the 4 to see they are waiting for the last person to finish the quarantine, but that might frustrate them.
[Edit] Actually they can just show the ETA timer like we have in retail, which may just work well.
The system outlined above is either that it goes to cross-realm after a period of time, or alternatively is a toggle people can choose to use.
So the common practice would likely be “Cross realm while levelling, then switching back to on-realm at high level”. The cross-realm aspect was originally included because they didn’t think people would use it. They know that’s not true now. There will be as many people ‘on realm’ as their current plan, because that’s realm-locked permanently.
If there are enough players to work as they intend for Wrath right now, then realm-locked does not reduce that pool at all.
I’ve said something similar to this several times if people really have an issue with the whole server identity thing whis anything which honestly I think that’s a little bit of a weak argument especially considering most people are probably going to be playing on The Mega servers Anyway.
However yeah I said the same thing the only difference what I said give people the option just to turn it on and off I mean same thing with the television just give people the option if you don’t want the television then you don’t have to turn it on I’ve to turn it on now what that said with the group finder they have them permitted which is complete garbage by the way.
Has a lot of problems and lately what they probably should have done it’s just copy and paste it the retail version too rough which they did not do that they copy and paste it and took out the basic omens to make it work properly.
At the end of the day the reason why no elephant is bad because it lets people gatekeep that’s the biggest issue I have with it gear score is going to come back and I’m going to call it now you’re going to see GKPS for 5 mans.
But yeah I’d be completely fine with that I would even just say just let it be optional let people turn it on and off I don’t see the issue with it.
RDF should be in and be fully server locked. It’s should not open to cross server ever, no matter an given amount of time.
On a small server the RDF or LFG tool will both end in the same result of no groups being formed and that’s ok because that is a representation of the health of the server. Servers whose RDF can’t consitantly fill groups needs to be folded into a larger server.
There is 0 reason to have dead server for the sake of server identity. It’s better to force players to a new server where they can meet new people then for people to go “I’m on bloodthorn, that’s me, that’s important” because no, the name of your server is irrelevant. What is important is that when you go into RDF and get a tank or healer or dps, you can look them up and find them after the run in order to talk to them if they are good or avoid them if they are bad.
What’s the importance of a server identity if it’s nothing important happens I mean at the end of the day it’s literally just a name at that point for example I played on old Blanche during TVC but the server died and I moved to pagle.
None of the things that I accomplished on either one of those servers have any meaning to me to do with the server name it was all with the people that I met and what I did on that server at the end of the day server identity is something that just isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things because literally what is it a name that’s all.
If you have no one to group up with and no 1 to play with what meaning does that name have ?
Frozen Orbs aren’t phase one IIRC, and you as a normal player have no input on the economy… when people are buying 100’s of thousands of gold, and lets not get started on the SOM transfers when literally half of the people playing SOM are gold capped.
I actually like the idea of this compromise. In all honesty I’d like to know how Blizzard’s dev team couldn’t think this up in all the time they had to plan for WOTLK classic.
No need for a compromise… RDF has been needed as proof with literally tons of dead servers… so hard to do a basic thing like run a dungeon… why do you guys want dead realms after launch again… people want to gear alts and play the game… queue for a dungeon, or a BG… but nah… lets do it the hardway cause RDF killed WoW… this is literally the last playable classic experience and you doodoo brains are messing it up.
Yes. This is the best solution. Attempt to form an in-server group, which should be fine even on the low pop servers for current dungeon content. Swap to cross-realm if they cannot, which will help with the leveling dungeons or obscure dungeons people don’t normally do.