RDF a fair compromise

Dungeons aren’t end-game… they do not matter and shouldn’t be a focus on any Effort because of this.

Dungeons are something to do, like a BG… they should be easily accessible for all players.

Making it to where all the “Hardcore” guilds get even more speed to their pre-bis, and also rewarding them more badges to make money over a casual players creates disparity and leads to unsubs.

I am not affected by no RDF, I will have my own groups… and can see the pure crap this suggestion does for all players not like me in a good raiding guild.

Blablabla same load of bull crap.

Dungeons don’t matter to you, so get lost?

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The formula that works is effort vs reward, not casual vs hardcore.

I cant make that any more plain.

You made the post, don’t be mad when people come debate how ignorant it is.

Can you please stop trolling and being toxic, as I’ve already told you before. My posts are literally about the Op’s post and are on topic… this however is CLEARLY not on topic.

yeah unfortunately it doesnt matter that you are 90% with them in PRO rdf, if you have any opinions and arent toxic they’ll flame you lol

What sense does it make if the effort is not even… you cannot reward effort if its not the same effort evenly across on players… EG: Smaller servers, Smaller Guild, Play-times… you cannot reward players because they can play more… thats literally not effort…

Next argument please.

I call BS, you wouldn’t be posting all day every day about something that doesn’t affect you, you clearly aren’t doing it for others as you clearly don’t have any compassion for your fellow player. I think you are worried because you can’t deal with the social side of classic wow and you need RDF so you can avoid having to be social at all. You’re not going to spam dungeons with friends.

I don’t need to sell you on anything. I 100% will be fine with no RDF, I plan to play and enjoy Wraith with RDF or without RDF.

I 100% see no RDF as a negative that will lead to MORE players not enjoying this wonderful expansion that I so enjoyed back in the day.

Also I like how you dodged my Effort post… I can see you’ve lost this argument.

Your logs suggest otherwise.

a 35 illidan is all he has LOOOOOL someone get the RMT GDKP police in herrrrrre. my guy cant do content.

we arent getting RDF and its for the best.
Spend your energy elsewhere.

While i agree with you, why is it for the best, if you dont mind me asking. youre not contributing much here.

Effort takes time so the more time the more effort.

Besides all that the people who put in the time to socialize and manually form groups and travel to them etc etc are doing more than someone who hits a button and gets transported in.

Its just not time, they are actually doing more. If they are doing more they deserve more not have their time and effort go unrecognized because some casual thinks thats how it should be - better for the casual.

So lets leave off with that stuff and just reward people appropriately. At least that way, everybody wins instead of just one group with a pretty sorry ideology.

First off, I don’t have to contribute.

95% of these forums are people complaining and contributing nothing, just begging and crying to get what they want.

Second off, “it’s for the best” is purely subjective, I admit.

I am happy theyre doing it.

They want to make a version of wow that is a true rpg like it used to be before it became a lobby que game with chores.

But either way, too many people are getting way too upset over something they cant change and the more they cry on the forums the more let down and neglected they are going to feel when the games designers continue to create the art that they envision, not what a portion of their consumers envision (which… they do on retail anyway)

did you see our discussion about extra badges?

I fully support this fair compromise. Is Blizzard listening?

0 reason to incentivize not using RDF. Some people want to use RDF because it’s a more convenient feature that makes dungeons more accessible. Other people want to group manually because they think it’s a better experience. No reason to guide players in one direction or another on something that’s preference-based

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Except to use your Analogy:

  • The city council doesn’t want people to cross the road
  • You want a teleport across the road
  • Someone comes up with the suggestion for crosswalks.


Would you support this + an incentive to spend the time for manual grouping? alot of peoples issues with RDF is that theyre required to use it once it launches. Blizzard already said they are opposed to doing anything that wont preserve the social gameplay that manually created groups encourage. if Heroics gave an extra 5 badges, or 2 25 man badges per heroic, it would incentivize doing manual groups whenever you have time to, or if you dont mind not crafting gathering etc. Would you oppose this?

Ah, so, you want to remove PvP entirely then, right?
Because that’s what PvP is now. BGs & Arena.
Cross realm.
Cross faction.
Just queue. Never see same player twice.
…love double standards

So, we aren’t allowed to provide negative feedback?

@Blizzard, you’re the best. You have never done a single thing wrong. It’s not you. It’s me. It has always been me. Here, you can take both of my kidneys.

You mean, the majority of the playerbase, right?

We all know RDF hurts some people. It did definitely hurt boosters. But boosting is no more.
By having RDF, all top geared, carry sellers are just another number in queue. They are useless. But they want to matter. Good for them. IDC.
Not having RDF actually hurts a lot more people than you think.

You may be fine w/o RDF. Heck, even I will be fine w/o RDF.

  • Every leveler, especially new players going 1-70, are very unlikely to experience dungeons.
  • Every leveler is basically a solo game now. The only exception is fresh server or xpac launch when everyone is leveling, aka 1 month out of 3 years.
  • All offmeta specs might as well start leveling meta specs to get into dungeons.
  • All higher geared max level players will always get picked over rest - rich get richer.
  • Every small server or small faction can basically go F themselves due to lack of players.

So yes, people are getting upset.

Have you gone to a festival that you look fondly at? Festival with a dozen bands performing? And there was that ONE band that you just love and it made the whole trip so so so so much better. But go back to the same festival tomorrow w/o that very band, it will suck. Same goes for RDF & Wrath memories.