RDF a fair compromise

See my main issue is a hate the queu. personally. Like if i wanted to play a game where i queued for everything i would go play FFXIV. I mind the crossrealm far less than that i dislike the trappings of queuing and teleporting. I would love it if RDF actually existed as a choice, and i believe fore that to work, there has to be a trade off for the extreme unprecidented efficiency we all know RDF brings in. Would you be ok with something like extra badges from a manually created group if RDF did exist?

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Cross realm bgs was to field enough players to fill a BG (up to 80 people) at any given time. How is this anything like filling a 5 man group where the issue lies in the lack of healers and tanks usually.

I certainly would.

That is an option, for lower level dungeons I’d like there to also be a bonus to forming a group manually as the leveling dungeons are often where new players meet other players.

RDF for 1-70, everything else the LFG tool until 71-80 slows down later and then add those, but keep heroics out of it until the very end when it turns into current state where you have to pay for a tank.

the more i think about it the more this is a great solution, its not my idea either. heroics still have a lockout. so with rdf vs manual creation ur choosing more raw badges per day OR the ability to not put any effort into group making.

What if this was 2 25 man badges per manually created heroic? It would certainly encourage them all expansion, but i dont know that 2 per lockout is enough to mandate it and RDF would still be usable

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Can yall stop with this compromise bull? RDF or nothing… We ain’t gonna use whatever tool Blizz is coming up with, and we def aint gonna use whatever tool you 4 kids I wouldn’t even trust with making my Cheeseburger at McDonalds with.

That sounds like a great idea. Whoever came up with that should be working for Blizz.

Quiet fool. /10char.

wasnt that you??? if i remember correctly?

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So you are going to reward people that have more time to play the game and have a group of people they can spam heroics with… which IS MOST OF US… and not only Screw Casuals already by not having RDF but even further by giving everyone else an advantage.

Man you two, big brains.

i wasnt taking credit!

You really are a special kind of weirdo


Im trying to get Blizz to hire me so I can work on Classic +.

No, for people who do more in game.

You guys are literally coming up with ideas that screw casuals over even more… and patting yourselves on the back…

its like watching two monkeys fling poo at each other thinking they just invented the wheel.

If youre not with them youre against them, didnt you know?

For Bologna since I covered all this with him already.

How would someone else getting an extra badge for more effort and contributing to the social aspect of a MMO screw casuals?

just flag bologna as a troll and move on lol Derailing forum posts is clearly in the CoC

Here we go, ready for another outburst?