No one is debating that, All I’m saying is either you a normal social person or you are not… manually grouped or randomly grouped doesn’t change that… either you talkative or you not bud… USE… YOUR… HEAD.
That exists with or without cross-realm. Players don’t magically care about reputation or acting better just because they’re playing with people on their server. TBC Classic has proven that. Reputation means absolutely nothing on megaservers, and more and more will flock to megaservers without dungeon finder.
If Blizz is absolutely, positively 100% committed to not having the original dungeon finder from Wrath, then I suppose the least damaging ‘compromise’ would be removing cross-realm, or better yet the suggestion of trying to form a server-specific group for a specified amount of time before expanding to other servers. It seems unnecessary to me and ignores the reality of what’s going on in the game right now. But it’s a hell of a lot better than not having dungeon finder at all.
This is one of many problems with megaservers, and needs to be addressed, but RDF doesn’t help it at all. Megaservers are basically “How do I do cross-realm grouping without cross-realm grouping” and if nothing else, they can stay there with the people who want that sort of thing.
I agree, but gaining RDF with cross-realm means the rest of us are still exposed to those toxic environments caused by the same social influences as cross-realm.
I’d be happy with seeing the low population realms becoming Connected Realms if they’re not going to eliminate them, so that they have sufficient “On realm” population to make a realm-locked RDF effective for them, but megaservers with or without cross-realm are going to be what they are.
Just give manually formed groups more rewards than people who go through RDF. It makes sense because theyre doing more. RDF is a reward unto itself from what I hear.
Everybody wins. Compromise achieved.
It’s not going to be. It’s become abundantly clear Blizz wants to funnel players to megaservers. They’ve done nothing to stop it, and their design decisions encourage players to do so even more. For example…Wintergrasp. Going to a megaserver would have been disastrous. You’d never do a WG. So what does Blizz do? Removes that negative. Turns an epic 120 vs. 120 server-specific battle into a generic 40 v 40 cross-realm bg. So where is their commitment to community there? Where is their obsession with server identity there? It’s just the usual hypocritical, inconsistent design philosophy that’s sinking Wrath Classic. It’s why I can’t take them seriously when they give their supposed reasons for removing dungeon finder. They’re full of
If that’s such a huge concern, you can always just manually form groups and not partake in the cross-realm aspect of dungeon finder. I believe options are good and if people feel that strongly about things, then give them the freedom to make the choice.
I hate connected realms. Just do what they’re doing right now: delete realms and truly merge servers. The thing is that wouldn’t even be necessary if there’s dungeon finder. More players would play on lower pop realms. You’d start to see people transferring off megaservers. The population would be more spread out. It’s actually amazing how many problems dungeon finder fixes and these clowns at Blizzard remove it…
While this is true, and I’d like to think that I could… both you and I know that the reality of the situation is that number of people who feel strongly enough to reduce their own opportunities in protest will rapidly dwindle as time passes, and accellerate as that pool dries up.
If RDF is introduced there will not be manually formed groups in any significant presence, once RDF goes live. That’s why I’m 100% for this thread’s OP premise of realm-locked servers.
If RDF is coming, it needs to be realm locked, because if it is implemented, there will not be a viable option to pug manually.
Clearly if we want to cater to all players, you leave wraith the way it is… people who do not want to use RDF… can simply not use it… pretty simple.
This ignorant comment, and this ignorant compromise will never work and shouldn’t even be “debated” Dungeons are meaningless and so are their rewards…
Given that all of your responses are “My way or the highway”, you’re not exactly an expert on what is or isn’t viable debate positions.
Cause you guys are literally talking about realm locking and making it useless… for no other reason than this perceived idea that somehow I’m going to talk with a random from my server over a random from another server and somehow that makes “my community” better… lol… 2 clear expansion of how many years now with modern WoWers whats that community look like bud… lmao… so ignorant.
We’re not guessing what no RDF looks like… ya’ll are guessing what RDF looks like… And we are asking for RDF…
Challenge Accepted.
Whether or not you talk in the group is not the point. The point is having the ability to continue gaming with an individual following the completion of the dungeon.
That’s a self created issue. Not everyone is so short sighted.
he could have found a better anecdote to give a message here.
Frost dk’s off spec tank in retail often when tank bails. they just need a pocket healer and dps not doing too many bad things.
so yeah…I asked the guy non spec tank to tank to say SOM is social and retail is not…didn’t float many boats out there.
when I’ve done it people said can you tan…wait, you are vers heavy off pvp gear. HP bar…the conqueror armor bits and weapon not mogged off yet gave it away.
yeah…I can tank. Not well…or fast. but we can push till tank shows up in lfd pull again.
Ran thousands of dungeons and can’t say I remember a single person… I’m not a unicorn so I imagine this is the same for the majority of people playing. Also these relationships are not mean to be perm… thats what your guild is for, team raid etc.
Self-created? By blizzard for dead servers because you can’t run dungeons.

We’re not guessing what no RDF looks like…
Yeah but the model you’re “not guessing about” is what destroyed the community in WoW from Cataclysm onwards, and what contributed to many of the “not what I thought it would be” feelings about Classic and TBCCC.
It’s not a good thing. We aren’t guessing about that.

Ran thousands of dungeons and can’t say I remember a single person… I’m not a unicorn so I imagine this is the same for the majority of people playing. Also these relationships are not mean to be perm… thats what your guild is for, team raid etc.
And this is exactly why RDF cross-realm is bad. You’re illustrating why we don’t want it in that form.
Two classic expansions without RDF have proven that RDF isn’t the cause of a “toxic” community.
PEople didn’t quit retail WoW because of teleporting or randomly queued dungeon experiences…
they quit because of watered down classes, zoomer daily metas, instanced housing farm simming, Asmongold, free legendaries, etc…
Not because of dungeons… nobody cares about dungeons.

And this is exactly why RDF cross-realm is bad
because i dont want to talk to randoms regardless of his realm? So somehow u think removing cross realm or RDF is going to magically make me talk to randoms?

what is the benefit or allure to creating your own group?
Uhhh because i dont wanna carry some random afk in the brain noob scrub i randomly group with?
I wanna form a group of blasters and do big crazy pulls to have fun while grinding with experienced players who have awareness and reaction time

Uhhh because i dont wanna carry some random afk in the brain noob scrub i randomly group with?
You are exactly why the entire community wants RDF…
BTW don’t be scared Wraith dungeons were designed to be super easy for RDF and this specific reason.

I’m not a unicorn so I imagine this is the same for the majority of people playing.
Assuming that you are the majority lol.