RCR abuse leads players becoming seriously annoying

99% of the time I always have chat completely shut off because of all the TOS violations that go on in chat and nothing ever being done about it.

I literally only join chat when i have to ask a question, then once I get the information I need, leave the chat.

It just so happened that I needed some kills for something and I joined chat to ask help …Anyway when i joined chat I witnessed 2 people arguing in chat (I know big surprise). As usual more people joined the argument just to clog the chat) even bigger surprise (Rolls eyes)

Apparently someone was salty about players had abused the RCR system to get revenge on them or Whatever. Anyway someone was complaining that another player was just standing by watching them get killed.

Apparently a low level person tried sneaking in a quest they weren’t really at the level to do, and so the person purposely attracted enemies to go after that person. When the person died/almost died, the sneaky player started complaining about how the person just stood there and did nothing to help. To which that person replied, stop cutting corners, you didn’t even attempt to fight back, you snuck in while I was fighting to try and get a quest item you shouldn’t even be doing at your level. I also now refused to help anyone because players cannot stop abusing RCR.

That of course lead into most of chat trying to say the usual line Well you obviously did something to get silenced which everyone knows you don’t even need to do anything except have someone not like you…Anyway it turned into the whole blah blah blah… with both sides saying it’s your fault.

Anyway my 2 cents is this:
Why do people act surprised when a person they screwed over, retaliates. If you do not like someone do what i do type /leave 1 and be done with it.

And IMHO if you do not block someone, leave chat, use language filter, and you RCR a person anyway, then all you’re going to do is cause problems for everyone else in the game because you have total control over your own chat, and not liking something in chat and not using ignore then using RCR means you’re abusing RCR just to get at the person.

Anyway please stop using RCR for malicious purposes, it’s affecting even my getting help when I need it.

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My guess is you didn’t take your own advice and got RCR’d.


Even though I don’t get RCR’d ever, I can see that you’re one of those players who look for things to nit pick out of anything anyone posts, and ignores all the rest of the key points.

Anyway, let me point out a severe flaw in your reply.
If I have chat completely shut off 99% of the time, and I only join when I need help (Which BTW is extremely rare), and once I get help I leave chat again, how could I possibly get RCR’d if I’m never in chat?

But a more on point question would be if I have chat completely shut off 99% of the time, I wouldn’t be using it, so even if someone were to RCR me, how would I ever know?

Better yet since the whole point of RCR is to stop the use of chat, which is something I very rarely anyway, How in the world could and would RCR ever even affect me?

You’re amusing!

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wtf is a rcr


It stands for Right Click Report.

It’s an automated system Blizzard originally put into Overwatch which was weaponized to target people for malicious purposes.

Blizzard saw that system allows for the exploiting of players so they would spend more money once a persons account became unusable.

So Blizzard decided to allow a system that has been weaponized from Overwatch, and put it into every one of their games.

Gross, thanks for replying, sounds like a stupid system.

It’s absolutely out of control. it’s been like this since they first put it into Overwatch.

The real sickening part is it only takes about 20 reports to get someone silenced, and even though Blizzard lies about a single person being able to use the system, to get someone silenced because it takes multiple reports form different accounts, there are people who multibox 40 characters that run a script to target people. So a single person can in fact silence someone. There are videos on youtube showing streamers doing this just because they can.

Before I stopped using chat at all, I have been silenced just because people reported me for ignoring them. They couldn’t get at me by causing me to argue, so they used the RCR system to get at me that way.

yea…dont think people multibox 40 accounts just to get you silenced…if they do then you must have really pissed them off


Réanimation Cardio-Respiratoire


Just to correct a few things, first of all I never said anyone used 40 accounts to silence me, so please stop saying sentences such as if I said that.

don’t think people multibox 40 accounts just to get you silenced

and secondly if you go back and read what i posted there are plenty of videos that show Streamers who actually do exactly what you said no one is going to do, and for no other reason except they can.

A major part of the problem when this situation is brought up, people such as yourself cannot just accept facts as they are, you’re always trying to find some justification for the garbage you reply with. You do not have to do anything at all to get silenced in a Blizzard game.

Just go watch the many thousands of videos and read the tens of thousands of forum posts of what exactly people are using RCR for…Especially Ovewatch.

I’ve been silenced before for not even replying to someone trying to start an argument. I placed them on ignore and went about playing. not even 10 minutes later I was silenced. When i contacted Blizzard to get the reason why, I was sent spamming chat…Even though I hadn’t even typed anything in chat, Blizzard GM still upheld the Silence.

There are also plenty of videos where people are having conversations with the GM’s and you can see how abusive it gets.

Please stop trying to say no one is going to use 40 accounts to silence you or that the person silenced 1005 must have done something to deserve it


Wait… what’s a multiboxer again?


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1 person multiboxingx40 equals 40 separate accounts.

Please stop misreading things that I never said. Right now I’m done talking to you about this. You’re adding in things that wasn’t said, you cannot seem to accept what I posted is a fact.

People are doing the exact thing you claimed no one would do, and there are plenty of videos to back that up.

ummm…you literally said that …

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now you’re trolling and misquoting things.
So I am going to clear this up, then I’m not going to talk to you any more about this any more because you’re getting ridiculous.

I said there are Streamers who are multiboxing 40 accounts and running a script to silence people, there are also plenty of videos of streamers doing just that which backs up whatI said they’re doing (AKA Proof).

You somehow managed to change that, into streamers having 40 viewers do it is not multiboxing, which nothing like that was even said by me. How you even pulled that information out of your butt is perplexing.

You said I said streamers are using their viewers to get people silenced
I replied with " I said no such thing.

Now you’ve taken parts of things I said and posted them without context in conjunction with the above.

You’re totally making an entire mess out of this topic.

i dont know what rcr means and at this point im too afraid to ask

Right click report. Some trolls are abusing the system to get people silenced in game.

well it was in classic so if you have a problem with it go to retail #nochanges

Whoa buddy you need to take a few steps back and recoup your composure.


Love how the OP changes his story. First he says he has never been RCR’d…then he was RCR’d for ignoring someone… then the paragraph responses to a simple comment…

Then the edits after the replies to change some of what was posted to make it look better for you…as for my comment

the “you” was not you you…but the you from your orignal where you said

If someone is being targeted by a multiboxer that way then they have really pissed someone off.


reported for endangering my ego