RBG Solo - Unable to Duo Queue

This might be some kind of MMR check that is trying to prevent a healer boosting a DPS but it is severely broken.

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Another interesting thing. I was not able to duo queue with a fresh healer on my assassination rogue who had a sRBG win… BUT, when I switched to outlaw rogue (with zero games played on that spec) I was able to queue with that same healer.

We tested this across several combinations with high consistency to the point where we were able to determine would get the queue together and who wouldn’t.

We verified that CR was not blocking the queue, so it might be mismatched MMR but at a ridiculous tight restriction.

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BBBBLLLLLLIIIIIZZZZAAAARRRRRDDDDDD!!! yes this is a complete sentence

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We verified that it wasn’t CR as well with some recent tests. We had 2 characters with non-zero CR that lined up exactly who were unable to queue together. Their MMR would have been different though.

This is the kind of stuff that you end up with when a PvP mode is only tested for 1 hour on Beta and you can’t get enough people to queue outside of the Q with the Blues events.


That’s no problem. We’re hyper excited about RBGB and reserved our toons for each other. Lol

I hope they fix that bug, though. That sucks. I’d have been pretty upset if we hadn’t been able to play tonight.

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DUO QUEUE BUG video to let you know what to avoid until it gets fixed (and to hopefully help the devs figure out what is causing the bug).

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Hi there!
This is Seal Team Blizz. We have read your request and we wanted to let you know that we have denied fixing anything regarding duo ques because we don’t give a dang about PvP or any of you little people. Make sure you pre-order the upcoming expansion so you can waste more money on part of the game we really don’t care about.

Soul - Head of the We-Don’t-Care Committee

False. I have duo-qued with 6 different people so far since day 1 and was able to get in all games with no issue at all.

Lol…watch the video. It happens. Multiple people on the official forums and WorldofPvP are reporting this issue…

Just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it isn’t happening…

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Did the role select pop up?

I have an addon that will auto select my role based on what I have it set to for queued content. If you do as well it might be set to dps for whoever is playing healer.

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Role choice for the healer was not the issue, at least in my case.


Not my problem then. Maybe it must be your addon after all or…something else /shrug

Not running addons. It happened on Beta with no addons. It happens on pre-patch with no addons.

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Okay, so it is not your problem so why bother looking into it and fixing it for the many people it is effecting. Sound logic and definitely a mature take there.

This was happening in Beta as well with no addons, so derp.

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Are we gonna talk about who’s immature and who’s not mature here? Now that’s a weird take.

You are literally telling people not to que with others because it WON’T work at all which is not true in my case. I was able to que with different folks just fine so I don’t know what to tell you.

Adult….now there is something I haven’t seen in a long time around here

Let me help you. Here is what a mature person who thinks beyond themselves would have said.

“Wow, that is strange. It hasn’t been happening to me though for some reason.”

But, instead you say “False” even though there is documented video showing exactly what is happening and just because it is not happening to you does not mean it is not a serious issue.

Sit down.

You are literally telling people not to que with others because it WON’T work at all

What I am literally doing is warning people that if they don’t consistently queue with the same person this could happen to them and it is nonrecoverable if it happens. So, yes… it is best to play it safe if you are not sure otherwise it could be soloq city for you until it fixed.

And, I am also taking my time to test and post a video to help the devs track down exactly what is happening.

You’re welcome.


The issue isn’t “don’t queue with other players” it’s “if you queue with different characters you could end up in this situation”. I was able to queue successfully with 5 different characters. I was prevented from queueing with three different characters so far. Just trying to help identify the cause of the issue and let people know it’s not just them.

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I will not watch your silly videos and never will.

You sound like a forum dictator telling people what to do and what not to do and then gets your little video out just for clickbaits like you always do. I simply stated the fact that’s happening on my end so here’s my sincere apology for upsetting you this much.