RBG Solo - Unable to Duo Queue

Hi Blizzard Team,

I’m experiencing an issue while trying to queue for the new solo ranked Battlegrounds with my friend. From what I understand, healers should be able to queue with a DPS friend, but it isn’t letting us queue up together even though I’m playing as a healer and my friend is a DPS.

We’ve tried relogging and ensuring our roles are correctly set, but we still can’t queue up as a duo. Is this a known issue, or are we possibly missing something in the queueing process?

Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Are you on the same faction? not sure if thats relevant… just asking.

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Yup, both Alliance!

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Yeah me and my brother can’t queue together either. Both playing Horde.

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There was a bug on the Beta servers, it may not be fixed, but some characters become unable to queue with a healer. Try a different character. Also, in my experience, it was always the DPS character that had the issue. The healer was able to queue with other players and other characters on the same account with the character that was not able to queue.

Since posting this I’ve managed to “bug” one of my healers such that the character now fails to successfully queue with all but one dps…the dps I queued with in the 1 match I played.


Thanks for the information. We tested my monk healer alt with his hunter alt, and it worked fine. However, any combination of our main characters still isn’t allowing us to queue up together. It seems like the issue might be specific to our main characters.

Hopefully, this helps narrow down the problem. Any additional suggestions or updates on a fix would be appreciated!


Hey I’m also getting the same issue on my end as well. Gonna experiment a bit and see if there’s a good workaround for mains.

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Yeah, so in my experience as the healer, it didn’t matter who invited to group to queue. My healers were able to queue with anyone. Specific characters on my guildmates’ account were unable to queue with anyone. Faction did not matter.

Upon hitting the queue button, I would see the PvP Matchmaking icon in the lower right hand corner. When my guildmate chose his role, the queue would immediately drop on affected characters.

Also, I never queued solo on my healer. It “seemed” to happen to characters after being in a match where they truly queued solo and something would happen to that character preventing them from ever queueing with a healer (on Beta servers). Logging off did not fix it. Rebooting did not fix it. I can’t confirm (but will attempt to later) if it was ever resolved on Beta.


Ok so I queued truly solo on my rdruid before this. Going to do the same on my shaman who as of right now can queue with my friends to test. I’ll update on this thread if it causes the issue.

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I don’t think it’s something that happens every time to every character, which makes it more frustrating to test. Still not sure what causes/caused it.


One of my first thoughts since people mentioned mains was that it could have something to do with warbands? But after moving characters in and out it didn’t have any effect.

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I did complete a solo run on my main before attempting to queue with my friend, whereas my alt never tried to queue solo. Could this be contributing to the issue?

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Off topic, but, just to clear this up…

All your toons are in your warband, the 4 favorites are just favorites, they aren’t a warband within your other toons.

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This was also a bug on BETA that I personally encountered about a month ago. It seems totally random which characters were effected or not.

That is, I was able to duo queue with my friend on some characters but not others and there was no obvious pattern as to why. Good to see it hasn’t been fixed, heh.

edit: Who could queue together and who couldn’t was persistent/permanent.

edit2: Ah, I see Melkeor already replied. He is the healer I wasn’t able to queue with on some of my character on BETA.


Nah, that doesn’t matter for rated. My horde Hunter friend and I queued 4 games together tonight.

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Ah I didn’t realize. Thanks for clarifying!

I cant believe bobby did this to us. Please blizzard fix game. need duo que yesterday. plz plz. halp

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Hey guys, I was able to queue with my main and my friend’s alt (who were previously unable to queue together) It APPEARS as though this may have something to do with CR. We were able to queue blitz together when our CR was the same. I have not yet tested this on other characters, but I have alot of characters, so I can vary the CR considerably and do a bunch of tests. I will report what I find in these two threads.

edit: It might not be CR. When I first attempted to queue, I had lost 2 games. Those 2 games awarded me 0 CR of course. I then attempted to queue with my friend who also had 0 CR but had not queued yet. It might be a problem where MMR is what needs to be exactly the same.


I did some more testing as well. I was not able to queue on healer with 0 matches played with 3 of my guildmates’ DPS characters that had >1 win and multiple matches.

I tried multiple healers (I have 6) with my guildmate’s DPS, none of them were able to successfully queue together (with his characters with CR/MMR from previous matches).

When we did find a DPS who was able to queue with my healer, we played 1 match, which happened to be a win. After that win, my healer who was previously able to successfully queue with SOME of his DPS was no longer able to queue with any other character than the character the duo queued with.

Also, switching specs seemed to have an effect which reinforces the theory that this has something to do with CR/MMR.


Stick with that duo 100%. If you mix and match you will likely not be able to queue together again. For example, if you queue with someone else, the next time you try to queue with the hunter it won’t work. We tested that exact scenario.