RBG community

Ok that community is so spergy but in a weird way its full of 40 years old and gamer dads that get so angry and toxic while their babies cry in the background like for real I have never seen a community So bad that I would love them to remove rbgs from the game like arena good players have a reason to be cocky when they are r1s but in rbgs those kids calling each other boosted and theu are 1540 in 3s


Looks salty to me


Cool Tumblr post.


How am I salty or even close? I’m saying the community is toxic af

Yeh the community is the toxic one here. I never once heard a baby crying over discord and the majority of people I’ve played with are between 26-34 and then there’s always that one foreign rogue.


I think I know exactly who you’re talking about rofl

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its funny. in my last rbg there was this guy arguing with his wife over discord while his baby was crying in the background. it was extra cringy omg! some guys on discord told him to get off of wow and go take care of his family.


What do you mean by foreign you carrot farmer also yeah that was my experience

If ya know ya know

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RBG players in a nutshell.

Warning : stronk language


Yeah RBG players are bad, mad, sad and most importantly bald

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Could always just not que to RBGs if it’s so toxic for you

I’m 40…have a young son (however I don’t use voice) and bet my balls am In Better shape than you will ever be…I smell a pic off. You up for it chump :joy:

Ps not bald either :joy:

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You must be mad you can’t get an invite or something. Or you were humiliated for doing something dumb.


Top rbgs 2700+ are literally full of r1s and glads big guy. Every community has a toxic element have you ever face pulled in a m+?


This is just pvpers in general. Let’s not forget a certain mage that Magnuz always plays with that is even more toxic.

pvp “community” as a whole is tox periodt.

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yooo straight up, ours is french its super memey

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Any part of this game is toxic if you play with toxic people. Surround yourself with normal people.

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I dont know why but its always true lmao

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