Razor bramble armor set, lets talk

This has to be one of the most TOXIC gear sets ive ever seen for pvp. players can now deal 400+ thorns damage per hit to any enemy with the trinkets from MC and AQ. THIS IS INSANELY BROKEN FOR PVP. GENUINLY WHAT ARE MELEE SUPPOSED TO DO?? I really dont understand why this set was added other than for PVE peeps that dont know how to get threat.

To me it also screams: " I got absolutley destroyerd by a rouge becuase i dont know how to use all the tools that SOD and vanilla give you to combat them, SO I WANT A SUPER EASY MODE" … and then this garbage was made.

There is 0 counterplay to this. Horrible design. what are we supposed to do in a duel or 1v1 vs this set as mellee ??? IM GENUINLY CONFUSED.

you could try not dueling or 1v1ing someone who has the set? just a thought

but i enjoy dueling bro, and 1v1s, and pvp in general. what if people have this in a battleground, or open world. There is no escaping it for pvp.

It seems like you and the devs are telling me not play the other half of this game. ONLY pve NO pvp.

But thats not why im subbed. Im here for pvp.

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you can simply pull an xbox 360 and walk away? i don’t understand how this is an issue, if you start attacking someone and notice their thorns are killing you, pick a different target or disengage and pick a different fight? i’m failing to see how this “tells you not to play the other half of this game” it’s not like everyone has this set.

i cant walk away in a duel my guy. Also are you trolling? you literally told me to pick up and xbox controller and play another game. which i just said

It seems like you and the devs are telling me not play the other half of this game. ONLY pve NO pvp. <<


how do u not understand. if your pvping YOU HAVE TO FIGHT PEOPLE. YOU HAVE TO FIGHT PEOPLE IN A BG. YOU HAVE TO FIGHT IN A DUEL. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY SOD has given EVERY class 500 gap closers or ranged CC’s. YOU MAKE RUNNING AWAY SOUND EASY, OR EVEN OPTINAL. What if everyone has this set? becuase its only a matter of time until the full set is 100g and everyone DOES have it.

then i guess you lose. better get on the forums and cry about it i guess


Never support bad game design and yet here you are telling me to pick up an xbox controller instead of having the devs fix the game.

and yes this is BAD game design becuase you still have yet to give an actual solution in a duel or BG if everyone has this set and your melee.

Talking about it on the forums will at least get it SOME amount of attention and discussion which it needs. Becuase 0 brain power went into this half cooked idea. other than than the phrase “Oh,this should be fun, lets add it!”

Balance in classic and sod pvp has always been a joke. It’s never going to change.

If you want balanced pvp, you’re playing the wrong game.

your not wrong at all

but SOD was that chance to fix it. (in my eyes) and its even worse than classic. and getting worse.

A huge part of PVP in this game, especially duels is preparation. If someone went out of their way to make this set just to counter you they deserve the win, because they prepared more than you.

I’m assuming you’re playing a druid, if you see a player equip this gear don’t do the thing that gets you killed and auto attack him in cat form, change up your tactics to or your build. If you keep dying to this set and haven’t changed anything about your own build then its a skill issue.

Sounds like ya lose bud. Learn to play soy milk drinker.

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Id like to see what you guys gonna do when premade shaman stacks have this. Ignore half the team? What a clown response.
The thorns isnt the issue either its the amount of damage. Should my 2h weapon hit less than im getting returned damage for? Pretty silly if you think so.

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Preperation!!! ** :grinning:**. You dont EVEN have to level any professions or rep-grind for it, you JUST BUY IT OFF THE AUCTION HOUSE MY GUY!!! (im not sure if your trolling) YOU DONT NEED TO CRAFT IT!!! You literally spend 30 seconds on the auction house to get it. Meanwhile Ive ran gnomer every week for whirlands harden core just so i can have a trinket that gives me 1k+ extra armor in tournaments. by YOUR OWN logic i should win vs 99% of players that have this set becuase ive prepped more and i have the razor bramble set myself. (news flash I still dont win.)

THIS IS THE IMPOIRTANT PART!!! Ill tell you now the only stragey for dealing with this as feral is to put sunfire on and to COMPLETLEY avoid your target. Ive thouroughly tested this. Any and EVERY class that can equip this set is still unbeatable for feral even with sunfire. when i say there is no counterplay to it. THERE IS NONE. OR LISTEN BUD > YOU NEED TO GIVE ME COUNTERPLAY OPTIONS AS A FERAL! show us that u actually know what your talking about. (and yes i tried the old vanilla dot and rot feral build and its not viable either.)

Ive been in every SOD crusader strike dueling tourney since phase 1 both alliance and horde hosted. So ive been prepping since phase 1 my guy. I have videos and forums posts to prove it. Im a SWEAT LORD when it comes to pvp.

you have a WILD take my guy, but yes gear and prep is important.

What prep you need for BoEs? spend some money at the auction house? Thats not prep. How about grinding r14 thats not prep?

exactly this guys logic is crazy!

The only counters I can see to this are running Frenzied Regen/Survival Instincts… as other classes outside of Feral, maybe a GNPP… but even at that, good luck.

They just need to reduce the damage it does in PvP combat.
Ignore all the silly PvE remarks, it definitely needs to be reworked from a PvP perspective.

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Reducing the damage in PVP was the only thing i can think of. I tried what ur saying with sunfire. You will still lose to any class that can equip this set sadly :(. becuase every class has some kind of gap closer or ranged CC now.

but 1000% i agree with your solution!

youre a warrior, so in aggrend’s eyes, yes, you should auto-lose all encounters

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The way I see it, it isn’t getting the PvP damage debuff already going out on players, which is probably something they’ll adjust.
As it’s a spell, I think it’s supposed to do… 40% less damage? Maybe 30%.
Still high damage output, but quite a nerf.
After they adjust that, if it’s still too strong… hopefully they look at it even further.

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Your not wrong, SOD has screwed Warriors most of all.
Imagine a fury warrior vs this set.
And why is it that as a feral i can equip this set, go into dire bear form and go AFK vs any 2h warrior and win??? like WHAT