Razor bramble armor set, lets talk

They should release a set that upon taking spell damage return almost 500 per spell.
But of course they would never do anything to hurt their dress wearers

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They have a plate chest with an absorb proc. Iā€™m going for it in my PvP BiS list.
I was actually wondering if all those thorn effects procā€™ed only from melee attacks or melee and cast but I guess itā€™s just melee then ? Too bad.

There is also a shield that can proc a 3 sec. silence on spells received.
Itā€™s not as good as having 400+ damage dealt on any melee attack but there is a couple of anti-caster items. Oh, also a leather chest with a -40 spell damage.

And we have plenty of resistance gears available. Iā€™ll still be happy with more spell counter gears since droods are already pumping too hard and itā€™s only gonna be worst when they get their hands on their AQ 4 set.

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Ill still be happy with more spell counter gears since droods are already pumping too hard and itā€™s only gonna be worst when they get their hands on their AQ 4 set.

oh 100% i would love more counters for things like warlocks sitting in meta casting drain life with felguards up. Ele shamans that 1 shot you. Boomies that 1 shot you. and now even shockadins that 4 shot you.

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This are very tame in comparison. Rogues will do 200% damage to themselves in an auto. Can you imagine the backlash if they did a return spell damage that did more damage than the original attack? The casters would be blowing up the forums and twitter and rightfully so.

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The leather chest is pretty useless but the plate one gives you a decent shield and the silence proc on shield can be interesting. Iā€™m gonna try a ret/reck build with all those gears and see if I can turn into an obnoxious never dying and giga slap reckoning machine.
I might know what it feels like to play shaman then :smiley:

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I think the mail chest that gives you a 5% chance to become invulnerable to all melee attacks for 3 seconds is more useful.
ā€œInvincible Mailā€
Also, +20 Stamina.

Iā€™ll be stacking a good deal of armor/hp with the thorny gears so Iā€™m not too worried about melees. Itā€™s the casters that melts me and not having that much mobility Iā€™d rather get a shield than an immune melee that I can get with a potion.

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I respect it either way :smiley: